编辑:2014 年 5 月 2 日
现在了解您要实现的目标,我现在可以帮助您解决问题。由于您是 MATLAB 的初学者,因此我将使用更简单的方法(尽管有更复杂的方法可以帮助您解决这个问题),因为我想演示该算法的工作原理。
- 读入模板并提取那些黑色的像素位置
- 在滑动窗口方式中,对于与搜索图像中的模板大小相同的每个图像块...
- 如果整个图像补丁是白色的,请跳过
- 提取相同的黑色位置
- 仅使用这些位置计算 NCC。
- 输出将是一张地图,其中包含搜索图像中每个位置的 NCC
- 模板图像,比如你给我看的那个
- 我们在做这个 NCC 的东西时希望搜索的图像
我还假设每个图像都是二进制的,因为您的帖子标题中有“0 或 1”。
[rowsSearch colsSearch] = size(imSearch); % Get dimensions of search image
[rowsTemp colsTemp] = size(imTemplate); % Get dimensions of template image
mapBlack = imSearch == 0; % Obtain a map of where the black pixels are in the template
numPixelsCompare = sum(mapBlack(:)); % Need to know how many pixels are valid for comparison
% Obtain area of searching within the search image
startSearchRows = 1 + floor(rowsSearch/2);
endSearchRows = rowsSearch - floor(rowsSearch/2);
startSearchCols = 1 + floor(colsSearch/2);
endSearchCols = colsSearch - floor(colsSearch/2);
% Need half the dimensions of each for the template dimensions... you will
% see why we need this later
rowsTempHalf = floor(rowsTemp/2);
colsTempHalf = floor(colsTemp/2);
% Where we will store our NCC calculations
NCCMap = zeros(rowsSearch, colsSearch);
% Because you want to include all of the black pixels in your
% calculations, and these are all the same, the signal you are comparing
% to basically consists of all white pixels.
% Create a vector that consists of all 1s that is the same size as how
% many black pixels exist in the template
compareSignal = ones(numPixelsCompare, 1);
% For each location in the search image (ensuring that the full template
% is inside the image)
for i = startSearchRows : endSearchRows
for j = startSearchCols : endSearchCols
% Grab an image patch that is the same size as the template
% At each location (i,j) this serves as the CENTRE of the image
% patch, and we are grabbing pixels surrounding this centre that
% will create a patch that is the same size as the template
searchBlock = imSearch(i-rowsTempHalf:i+rowsTempHalf, ...
% If all of the pixels are white, skip
if (all(searchBlock == 1))
% Extract only those pixels that are valid in the template
searchPixels = searchBlock(mapBlock);
% Must invert so that black pixels become white
% You mentioned that white pixels are "background"
searchPixels = ~searchPixels;
% Compute NCC for this patch
NCCMap(i,j) = compareSignal'*searchPixels / ...
(sqrt(compareSignal'*compareSignal) * sqrt(searchPixels'*searchPixels));
如果你对我计算 NCC 的方式有点困惑,那基本上是你习惯的,但我使用向量代数来计算它。这应该有希望给你你想要的。要找到模板匹配的最佳位置,您可以执行以下操作来提取该位置的行和列:
[r,c] = find(NCCMap == max(NCCMap(:)));