public class Plane extends Aircraft {
* Flight status should only take one of these enum values
private static enum Status {
// Set aircraft status to REGISTERED when created
private Status status = Status.REGISTERED;
private double fuelLevelPercentage;
private int passengerCount;
private int aircraftNumber;
private String airlineCompany;
private String departureAirport;
// This is used by the constructor to assign a random city to each new Aircraft
private final String[] cities = { "Rome", "Berlin", "Heathrow",
"Edinburgh", "Cardiff", "Dublin", "Stansted" };
// Used to set airline companies
private final String[] airLineCompanies = { "Easyjet", "Ryanair",
"British Airways","Flybe","Air Lingus", "Virgin" };
// Random number generator used by the constructor
private Random rand;
// Thread for this instance of Aircraft
private Thread aircraftThread;
// Radius of path when flying in circle (km?)
private final double FLIGHT_RADIUS = 10;
// Time taken to complete one complete loop (ms)
private final double FLIGHT_PERIOD = 120000;
// Angular frequency omega (rad/s)
private double OMEGA = 2 * Math.PI / FLIGHT_PERIOD;
// Time taken between being directed to land, and landing (ms)
private int TIME_TAKEN_TO_LAND = 30000;
// Time take to use one percent of fuel (ms)
private double time_taken_to_use_one_percent_of_fuel = 30000;
// variable to keep track of time since instantiated (ms)
private int time = 0;
// The aircraft Thread sleeps for TIME_STEP between updating
private final int TIME_STEP = 20;
private int time_when_called_to_land;
private int hour_of_arrival;
private int minute_of_arrival;
* Set coordinates at time zero
private double x_coord = 0;
private double y_coord = FLIGHT_RADIUS;
private double altitude = 1000;
* Used to calculate path to airport
private double x_coord_when_called;
private double y_coord_when_called;
private double altitude_when_called;
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
* This constructor sets the following fields to random values Dummy Data -
* should have a better way to do this
public Plane() {
rand = new Random();
this.fuelLevelPercentage = rand.nextInt(100);
this.departureAirport = cities[rand.nextInt(cities.length)];
this.passengerCount = rand.nextInt(500);
this.aircraftNumber = rand.nextInt(50000000);
this.airlineCompany = airLineCompanies[rand.nextInt(airLineCompanies.length)];
* this fly method will call on a different method depending on the status
* of the Aircraft
public void fly() {
if (status == Status.REGISTERED) {
} else if (status == Status.IN_QUEUE) {
} else if (status == Status.LANDING) {
} else if (status == Status.LANDED) {
public void flyInCircle() {
x_coord = FLIGHT_RADIUS * (Math.cos(OMEGA * (time)));
y_coord = FLIGHT_RADIUS * (Math.sin(OMEGA * (time)));
public void flyToAirport() {
if (!(x_coord < 1 && x_coord > -1 && y_coord < 1 && y_coord > -1
&& altitude < 1 && altitude > -1)) {
x_coord -= x_coord_when_called * TIME_STEP / TIME_TAKEN_TO_LAND;
y_coord -= y_coord_when_called * TIME_STEP / TIME_TAKEN_TO_LAND;
altitude -= altitude_when_called * TIME_STEP / TIME_TAKEN_TO_LAND;
} else {
System.out.println("Aircraft landed");
status = Status.LANDED;
hour_of_arrival = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
minute_of_arrival = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
* This method changes the flight status to IN_QUEUE - simulates telling the
* plane to join queue
public void directToJoinQueue() {
* This method changes the flight status to LANDING - simulates telling the
* plane to land
public void directToflyToAirport() {
time_when_called_to_land = time;
x_coord_when_called = x_coord;
y_coord_when_called = y_coord;
altitude_when_called = altitude;
* This method reduces fuel level according to fuel usage
private void useFuel() {
if (this.fuelLevelPercentage - TIME_STEP
/ time_taken_to_use_one_percent_of_fuel > 0) {
this.fuelLevelPercentage -= TIME_STEP
/ time_taken_to_use_one_percent_of_fuel;
} else {
this.fuelLevelPercentage = 0;
* this method sets the flight status
private void setFlightStatus(Status status) {
this.status = status;
public double getfuelLevelPercentage() {
return fuelLevelPercentage;
public int getPassengerCount() {
return passengerCount;
public void setPassengerCount(int passengerCount) {
this.passengerCount = passengerCount;
public int getAircraftNumber() {
return aircraftNumber;
public String getDepartureAirport() {
return departureAirport;
public void stop() {
public String getAirlineCompany() {
return airlineCompany;
public void setAirlineCompany(String airlineCompany) {
this.airlineCompany = airlineCompany;
public String toString() {
if (status == Status.LANDED) {
return String
.format("Flight %-8d | Fuel %-4.1f | Passengers %-3d | From %-10s | %-8s at %d:%d ",
aircraftNumber, fuelLevelPercentage,
passengerCount, departureAirport, status,
hour_of_arrival, minute_of_arrival);
} else {
return String
.format("Flight %-8d | Fuel %-4.1f | Passengers %-3d | From %-10s | %-8s | Coords (%-3.2f,%-3.2f) | Altitude %-4.2f",
aircraftNumber, fuelLevelPercentage,
passengerCount, departureAirport, status, x_coord,
y_coord, altitude);
public void start() {
aircraftThread = new Thread(this, this.getClass().getName());
public void run() {
try {
while (true) {
calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
time += TIME_STEP;
// System.out.println("aircraft number "+aircraftNumber+" safely landed");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block