I am trying to link my application with QC and create dynamic test sets through that. I am able to retrieve some QC data using OTAClient.dll. Used com4j to convert into java interfaces. Now i have a requirement of creating a NEW TEST SET in the QC test lab[Will try for existing tests first].
ITDConnection QCConnection = ClassFactory.createTDConnection();
QCConnection.initConnection("http://server/qcbin", "division", "");
System.out.println("Is connected: "+QCConnection.connected());
QCConnection.connectProject("domain", "username", "password");
System.out.println("Database entered: "+QCConnection.dbName());
ITestSetFactory sTestSetFactory = (QCConnection.testSetFactory()).queryInterface(ITestSetFactory.class);
ITestSet sTestSet = (sTestSetFactory.item(14002)).queryInterface(ITestSet.class);
System.out.println("Test details by id: "+sTestSet.checkTestInstances("testid"));
The above code is used to get the test details. Can anyone help in creation of test set? Thanks