当我尝试运行以下函数时,我收到错误“SQLSTATE [HY093]:无效的参数号:绑定变量的数量与令牌的数量不匹配”:
public function find_products($string = '', $fields = array(), $sort_by = '', $sort_dir = 'ASC') {
$fields = empty($fields) ? '*' : ('' . implode(',', $fields) . '?');
$bindings = array('%' . $string . '%','%' . $string . '%','%' . $string . '%');
$and_where_checks = array('series','material');
$AND = '';
// Loop through the POST variables to see what is safe to play with
$allowed = array();
foreach ($and_where_checks as $awc)
if ( ! empty($_POST[$awc]))
$allowed = $awc;
if ( ! empty($allowed)) {
$tmp = array();
foreach ($allowed as $v)
$tmp = '' . $v . ' IN (' . str_pad('', count($v) * 2 - 1, '?,') . ')';
$AND = 'AND (' . implode(' AND ', $tmp) . ') ';
foreach ($allowed as $k)
foreach ($_POST[$k] as $v)
$bindings = $v;
$query =
"SELECT " . $fields . " FROM " . $this->product_table . " " .
"WHERE (" . $this->primary_key . " LIKE ? " .
$AND .
"ORDER BY " . $sort_by . " " . $sort_dir;
$sth = $this->$dbh->prepare($query);
return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$POST[$awc] 变量由此页面http://ladd-dev.bitstormweb.com/products/interactive-product-finder/上的复选框填充。当我选择每个复选框组中的一个(例如 1 个系列和 1 个材料)时,结果很好,但是当我在同一组中选择多个框时,我得到了 PDOException。