I have one large document (400 mb), which contains hundreds of XML documents, each with their own declarations. I am trying to parse each document using ElementTree in Python. I am having a lot of trouble with splitting each XML document in order to parse out the information. Here is an example of what the document looks like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<different data>
</different data>
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Ideally I would like to read through each XML declaration, parse the data, and continue on with the next XML document. Any suggestions will help.


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您需要单独阅读文件;这是一个生成器函数,它将从给定的文件对象生成完整的 XML 文档:

def xml_documents(fileobj):
    document = []
    for line in fileobj:
        if line.strip().startswith('<?xml') and document:
                yield ''.join(document)
                document = []

    if document:
        yield ''.join(document)


with open('file_with_multiple_xmldocuments') as fileobj:
    for xml in xml_documents(fileobj):
        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
于 2013-03-26T18:52:26.577 回答