Does anyone know of an online resource where I can find stochastic matrices for an nth order Markov chain describing the probability of a note being played based on the previous n notes (for different musical genres, if possible)? I am looking for something similar to the second-order matrix found on this page: http://algorithmiccomposer.com/2010/04/openmusic-markov-chains-and-omlea.html

If not, or otherwise, what would be the best way to construct such a matrix for each genre? The article states that this can be done by hand or by analysing existing pieces of music. How could large amounts of music for each genre be processed to generate these matrices?


1 回答 1



与我一起工作的一个人写了这篇论文,这是用于此目的的方法。它基于使用视点看音乐,然后基本上为所有这些视点创建一个转换矩阵:http ://www.ehu.es/cs-ikerbasque/conklin/papers/jnmr95.pdf


于 2014-06-05T14:51:13.817 回答