我有一个具有 NameValueCollection 属性的类:
public class MyClassWithNVC
public NameValueCollection NVC { get; set; }
class Wrapper : ISerializable
public MyClassWithNVC MyClass { get; private set; }
public Wrapper()
MyClass = new MyClassWithNVC
NVC = new NameValueCollection
{"TestKey", "TestValue"}
public Wrapper(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
MyClass = info.GetValue("MyClass", typeof(MyClassWithNVC)) as MyClassWithNVC;
if(MyClass.NVC == null)
Console.WriteLine("NVC is null inside Wrapper's ctor.");
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue("MyClass", MyClass);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using(MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
Wrapper wrapper = new Wrapper();
new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(ms, wrapper);
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Wrapper loaded = new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize(ms) as Wrapper;
if(loaded.MyClass.NVC.Count == 1 && loaded.MyClass.NVC[0] == "TestValue")
Console.WriteLine("NVC is not null after Wrapper's ctor and has the correct value.");
NVC 在 Wrapper 的 ctor 中为空。
在 Wrapper 的 ctor 之后 NVC 不为空,并且具有正确的值。
这里发生了什么?NameValueCollection 显然能够使用默认序列化反序列化自身,但为什么反序列化会延迟并且不会在 Wrapper 构造函数中的 GetValue() 调用中发生?