我试图测试一些处理推文的类。我使用 Sixohsix twitter 来处理 Twitter API。我有一个类作为 Twitter 类的外观,我的想法是模拟实际的 Sixohsix 类来模拟推文的到来,方法是随机生成新推文或从数据库中检索它们。
from twitter import TwitterStream
class TwitterFacade(object):
def __init__(self, dev='soom'):
self._auth = OAuth(dev_keys["ACCESS_TOKEN"], dev_keys["ACCESS_SECRET"], dev_keys["CONSUMER_KEY"], dev_keys["CONSUMER_SECRET"])
def tweets(self, callback=None, users=[], terms=[], locations=[], count=5):
t = TwitterStream(auth=self._auth)
args = {}
if users: args['follow'] = ",".join(users)
if terms: args['track'] = ",".join(terms)
if locations: args['locations'] = ",".join(str(l) for l in locations)
# this controls the general loop, it re-enters if there was an exception,
# otherwise the for loop should take care of looping trough the tweets
cant = count
while cant > 0:
iterator = t.statuses.filter(**args)
for twit in iterator:
if twit.get('text'):
cant -= 1
if cant == 0:
except Exception as e:
print e
#some error handling code
因此,如果在单元测试中我想测试一些对推文做某事的模块,我将如何模拟 TwitterStream 类?我试过使用模拟:
from mock import patch
from twitter_facade import TwitterFacade
class TwitterStreamProxy(object):
def __init__(self):
#some code for dealing with statuses.filter(..)
@patch('twitter.TwitterStream', TwitterStreamProxy())
def test_filter_on_tweets():
facade = TwitterFacade()
facade.tweets(somemethod, [], ['term1', 'term2'], [], count=50)
def somemethod(tweet):
#some logic in here
这不起作用,仍然调用 twitter api。我原以为我没有在模拟类中添加任何代码,我会得到一个错误或其他东西,而是调用了六个 twitter 类。