我正在从单个图像创建多个部分图像以用于地图叠加。我遇到的问题是第一个图像创建成功,但其余的都是黑色的。我怀疑 imagecreatefrompng 是罪魁祸首,如果不清除它就无法多次运行,所以我的图像是黑色的,因为图像为零。请帮我在下面的代码中找到合适的解决方案。提前致谢。
for($x = 0; $x <= $loop; $x++)
//Check for direcotory for X
$x_directory = 'generated_images/' . $dbn . '/' . $zoom . '/' . $x;
if (!file_exists($x_directory))
mkdir($x_directory, 0777, true);
}//end if
//Set Starting Y Copy Values
$startY = 0;
$endY = 1;
for($y = 0; $y <= $loop; $y++)
//Do not need to check for Y images, we will replace any exsisting images
//Set a time limit for each Y image
$time = time();
$src_image = imagecreatefrompng('generated_images/pre'. $dbn .'.png') or die('Problem with source');
$y_image = imagecreatetruecolor($image_w,$image_h) or die('Problem In Creating image');
if(($x >= 2 && $x <= 5) && ($y >= 5 && $y <= 6)) {
Start X: <?=$startX?> <br/>
Start Y: <?=$startY?> <br/>
End X: <?=$endX?> <br/>
End Y: <?=$endY?> <br/>
//imagecopyresized($y_image, $src_image, 0, 0, $startX, $startY, $image_w, $image_h, 1024, 1024);
//Set the blending mode for an image
imagealphablending($y_image, false);
imagesavealpha($y_image, true);
// scan image pixels
for ($pix_y = ($startY * $multiplier); $pix_y < ($endY * $multiplier) ; $pix_y++) {
for ($pix_x = ($startX *$multiplier); $pix_x < ($endX * $multiplier) ; $pix_x++) {
$out_pix = imagecolorat($src_image,$pix_x,$pix_y);
$colors = imagecolorsforindex($y_image, $out_pix);
//$src_pix_array = rgb_to_array($src_pix);
if($colors['red'] == 0 && $colors['green'] == 0 && $colors['blue'] == 0) $alpha = 127;
else $alpha = 80;
imagesetpixel($y_image, $pix_x, $pix_y, imagecolorallocatealpha($y_image, $colors['red'], $colors['green'], $colors['blue'], $alpha));
}//end for
}//end for
imagepng($y_image,$x_directory . '/' . $y . '.png') or die('Problem saving image: ' . $x_directory . '/' . $y . '.png');
}//end if
$black = imagecolorallocate($y_image, 0, 0, 0);
// Make the background transparent
imagecolortransparent($y_image, $black);
imagepng($y_image,$x_directory . '/' . $y . '.png') or die('Problem saving image: ' . $x_directory . '/' . $y . '.png');
$time = time() - $time;
Image <?=$x?>,<?=$y?> time: <?=$time?> Seconds <br/>
//end for y
if(($x >= 2 && $x <= 5)) {
}//end for x