I make indoor map with JOSM (.osm format) then i sucessfully convert them in to shapefile(.shp format). I want to convert them in to MBTiles format in order to display andorid application by using TileMill. When i upload my shp file in TileMill project , i cant see my map. Is there a way to show it? Thank you.

Here is my .shp file link

Map {
  background-color: #b8dee6;

#countries {
  ::outline {
    line-color: #85c5d3;
    line-width: 2;
    line-join: round;
  polygon-fill: #fff;

#polygon.poly {

alt text


1 回答 1


JOSM to shp to MBTiles... For an indoor map... It seems a little bit complicated.

I imagine that your map is made of lines and polygons?

I could suggest that you (re)build your indoor map from scratch as a KML file (with Google Earth, or ArcGIS, or even with Google Maps).

Then you will be able to load this KML directly on an Android device:

  • either with Google Earth for Android
  • or with OSMNavigator application (based on OSMBonusPack+osmdroid)
  • or by writing your own application using OSMBonusPack+osmdroid libs.
于 2014-04-08T21:29:01.640 回答