如果您想解决特定的迷宫,BadHorse 的答案很好;您只需将您的位串解释为一系列精确的指令,以引导代理通过迷宫。在这种情况下,您的适应度不是位串的总和(正如您在问题中所述),而是一些衡量代理在解决问题方面的成功程度的指标。例如,您的适应度可能被定义为“处理 20 条指令后到迷宫末端的直线距离”。
因此,在评估每个个体时,您允许它处理来自您的位串的前 20 条指令,然后计算其适应度,执行任何交叉/突变,然后创建下一代个体。
FBLR Action
0000 Move Forward
0001 Move Forward
0010 Turn Right
这为您提供了一个由 16 个动作组成的位串,每个动作编码为 2 位(00 = 向前移动,01 = 右转,10 = 左转,11 = 向后移动)。在评估您的代理时,它只是确定其当前状态并使用位串作为查找表来确定它应该如何响应。然后它会重复一定次数,然后你评估它的适应度。
* Enumeration describing the four available actions to the agent
* and methods for decoding a given action from the "bit" string
* (actually represented using booleans).
public enum Action {
Action decodeAction(boolean b1, boolean b2) {
Action ret;
if (b1) {
ret = b2 ? Action.MOVE_FORWARD : Action.TURN_LEFT;
} else {
ret = b2 ? Action.TURN_RIGHT : Action.REVERSE;
return ret;
* Class encapsulating the 32-bit "bit string" represented using booleans.
* Given the state of the four agent inputs the gene will provide a specific
* action for the agent to perform.
public class Gene {
private final boolean[] values = new boolean[32];
public Action getActionForSensorInputs(boolean wallInFront,
boolean wallBehind, boolean wallToLeft, boolean wallToRight) {
int i=0;
// Encode the four sensor inputs as a single integer value by
// bitwise-ORing each sensor value with a power of 2.
// The encoded value will be in the range [0, 15].
if (wallToRight) {
i |= 0x01;
if (wallToLeft) {
i |= 0x02;
if (wallBehind) {
i |= 0x04;
if (wallInFront) {
i |= 0x08;
// The look-up index is i * 2 because each action is encoded as 2
// booleans.
int index = i * 2;
// Retrieve the two action bits from the bit string.
boolean b1 = this.values[index];
boolean b2 = this.values[index + 1];
// Finally decode the action to perform.
return Action.decodeAction(b1, b2);
// TODO: Add method to support crossover and mutation with other Genes.
给定这个简单的 a 定义,Gene
private enum Direction { NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST };
public class Agent {
private final Geneva gene;
private final int x; // x position in maze;
private final int y; // y position in maze;
private Direction currentDirection;
public double evaluate() {
double fitness;
// Perform up to 20 actions and then evaluate fitness.
for (int i=0; i<20; ++i) {
// TODO Determine sensor inputs.
Action action = gene.getActionForSensorInputs(...);
// TODO: Now apply action to update agent's state.
// If agent has reached goal exit loop and return fitness 1.0 (max fitness).
// If agent has exited the maze then exit loop and return 0.0 (min fitness).
// Calculate fitness after 100 steps taken. For example could be
// calculated as sqrt((goal.x - x) ^ 2 + (goal.y - y) ^ 2).
return fitness;