I am using Polymer to play around with the shadow dom. I have what I feel like should be a simple use case that I can't quite get working. I want define a "nav" container that can contain nav links. I'd like it to look like the following:

  <nav-link href="#a">A</nav-link>
  <nav-link href="#b">B</nav-link>
  <nav-link href="#c">C</nav-link>
  <nav-link href="#d">D</nav-link>

The following are the definitions that I created for the two elements (using Bootstrap theme-ing for style):

<polymer-element name="top-nav" noscript>
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs">

<polymer-element name="nav-link" attributes="href" noscript>
    <li><a href="{{ href }}"><content></content></a></li>

Inspecting the Shadow Dom, both element seem to work independently - the top-nav creates a ul and the nav-link creates a li containing an a. The problem is that the li's to not seem to be children of the ul. What am I missing here?


2 回答 2


li元素nav-link归. 在此设置中无法nav-link消失,因此您的树如下所示:


相反,您可以制作nav-link is-a li(而不是has-a)并解决此问题。

  1. nav-link扩展的定义li

<polymer-element name="nav-link" extends="li" attributes="href" noscript>

  1. 制作时使用类型扩展语法nav-link

<li is="nav-link" href="#a">A</li>

这里全部放在一起:http: //jsbin.com/vecil/2/edit

于 2014-04-06T18:28:25.643 回答

如果我正确地阅读了这个问题,我认为核心问题是 Bootstrap 的 CSS 是这样写的:

.nav-tabs > li


.nav-tabs ::content nav-link::shadow li

但这可能不是你想要的:) 如果你沿着这条路走,那么你最终会重写 Bootstrap。这突出了一个非常重要的点:Bootstrap 是在 Shadow DOM 等工具出现之前编写的,因此它并不总是很容易移植。

在我们考虑到使用 Shadow DOM 编写下一代 UI 框架之前,我认为偶尔会出现这样的情况,即创建自己的元素并借用 Bootstrap 样式可能会更容易。试图拼凑出与其选择器完全匹配的 Shadow DOM 可能比它的价值更多。

于 2014-04-06T05:18:45.323 回答