生成不同的频率。信号,我使用了 3 种不同的方式。Do(440hz) 和 Re(494hz) 一个,使用 8mhz 的外部时钟。Me(523hz) 和 Fa(587) 的另一种方式,根据需要通过简单的延迟。另一种方法是针对 So(659hz) La(698hz) 和 Ti(784hz),根据需要使用延迟以及 for 循环。for 循环用于生成 1 秒的信号,因为信号为“1”。然而,使用外部时钟效果很好,但面临其他两种方式的问题。任何人都可以在这方面帮助我。三种使用方式哪个更好..??? 有没有其他方法可以做到这一点......???提前致谢。
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity piano is
Port ( do : in STD_LOGIC;
re : in STD_LOGIC;
me : in STD_LOGIC;
fa : in STD_LOGIC;
so : in STD_LOGIC;
la : in STD_LOGIC;
ti : in STD_LOGIC;
clk_8mhz : in STD_LOGIC; --using the exterrnal clock of 8mhz.
spek : out STD_LOGIC); --o/p connected to the speaker.
end piano;
architecture pbev of piano is
signal Counter440: integer:= 0;
signal Counter494: integer:= 0;
signal temp: integer:= 0;
signal clk_440hz: std_logic:= '0';
signal clk_494hz: std_logic:= '0';
Prescaler440 : process(clk_8mhz) --process to convert 8mhz freq to 440hz.
if rising_edge(clk_8mhz) then
if Counter440 < 18180 then --8mhz/18181 = 440hz
Counter440 <= Counter440 + 1;
clk_440hz <= not clk_440hz;
Counter440 <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end process Prescaler440; --gives o/p clk_440 as sq. wave of 440hz freq.
Prescaler494 : process(clk_8mhz) --process to convert 8mhz freq to 494hz.
if rising_edge(clk_8mhz) then
if Counter494 < 16192 then --8mhz/16193 = 494hz
Counter494 <= Counter494 + 1;
clk_494hz <= not clk_494hz;
Counter494 <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end process Prescaler494; --gives o/p clk_494 as sq. wave of 494hz freq.
pianoproc : process(do,re,me,fa,so,la,ti,clk_8mhz)
if (do = '1') then
spek <= clk_440hz; -- speaker gets i/p wave of 440hz.
elsif (re = '1') then
spek <= clk_494hz; -- speaker gets i/p wave of 494hz.
elsif (me = '1') then
spek <= '1'
after 956023 ns; --1/(523 hz) = 1912045ns // (1912045/2) = 956023ns.
spek <= '0'
after 956023 ns;
elsif (fa = '1') then --1/(587 hz) = 1703577ns // (1703577/2) = 851789ns.
spek <= '1'
after 851789 ns;
spek <= '0'
after 851789 ns;
elsif (so <= '1') then
for temp in 0 to 659 loop --loop continues to generate sq. wave of 659hz for 659*(758725*2) ns = 1sec
spek <= '1'
after 758725 ns; --1/(659 hz) = 1517450ns // (1517450/2) = 758725ns
spek <= '0'
after 758725 ns;
end loop;
elsif (la <= '1') then
for temp in 0 to 698 loop --loop continues to generate sq. wave of 698hz for 698*(758725*2) ns = 1sec
spek <= '1'
after 716332 ns; --1/(698 hz) = 1432664ns // (1432664/2) = 716332ns
spek <= '0'
after 716332 ns;
end loop;
elsif (ti <= '1') then
for temp in 0 to 784 loop --loop continues to generate sq. wave of 784hz for 784*(637755*2) ns = 1sec
spek <= '1'
after 637755 ns; --1/(784 hz) = 1275510ns // (1275510/2) = 637755ns
spek <= '0'
after 637755 ns;
end loop;
else spek <= '0';
end if;
end process pianoproc;
end pbev;