我正在使用rarecurve( vegan) 为九个样本生成稀疏曲线,但我希望它们以三个为一组进行着色。


rarecurve(x, step = 1, sample, xlab = "Sample Size", ylab = "Species", label = TRUE, ...)

...参数传递给“情节”。但是,当我用 替换省略号时col=c(rep("blue",3), rep("red",3), rep("darkgreen",3)),所有行都显示为蓝色。如何单独为线条着色?



1 回答 1

## example from ?vegan::rarecurve
S <- specnumber(BCI)
(raremax <- min(rowSums(BCI)))
Srare <- rarefy(BCI, raremax)
plot(S, Srare, xlab = "Observed No. of Species", ylab = "Rarefied No. of Species")
abline(0, 1)
rarecurve(BCI, step = 20, sample = raremax, col = "blue", cex = 0.6)

enter image description here

# using new function
plot(S, Srare, xlab = "Observed No. of Species", ylab = "Rarefied No. of Species")
abline(0, 1)
rarec(BCI, step = 20, sample = raremax, cex = 0.6)

enter image description here

The problem is in these lines in vegan::rarecurve

for (ln in seq_len(length(out))) {
  N <- attr(out[[ln]], "Subsample")
  lines(N, out[[ln]], ...)

where each line is made individually by lines which in turn is only taking the first color it sees in the color argument passed by ..., which is blue in your case. After applying a simple hack to this loop:

for (ln in seq_len(length(out))) {
  N <- attr(out[[ln]], "Subsample")
  lines(N, out[[ln]], col = cols[ln], ...)

and specifying a new argument, cols, in the rarecurve function rather than passing col onto plot and lines:

cols = c(rep('red', nrow(x) / 2), rep('blue', nrow(x) / 2))

Here is the new function

rarec <- function (x, step = 1, sample, xlab = "Sample Size", ylab = "Species", 
          label = TRUE, cols = c(rep('red', nrow(x) / 2), rep('blue', nrow(x) / 2)), ...) {
  tot <- rowSums(x)
  S <- specnumber(x)
  nr <- nrow(x)
  out <- lapply(seq_len(nr), function(i) {
    n <- seq(1, tot[i], by = step)
    if (n[length(n)] != tot[i]) 
      n <- c(n, tot[i])
    drop(rarefy(x[i, ], n))
  Nmax <- sapply(out, function(x) max(attr(x, "Subsample")))
  Smax <- sapply(out, max)
  plot(c(1, max(Nmax)), c(1, max(Smax)), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
       type = "n", ...)
  if (!missing(sample)) {
    abline(v = sample)
    rare <- sapply(out, function(z) approx(x = attr(z, "Subsample"), 
                                           y = z, xout = sample, rule = 1)$y)
    abline(h = rare, lwd = 0.5)
  for (ln in seq_len(length(out))) {
    N <- attr(out[[ln]], "Subsample")
    lines(N, out[[ln]], col = cols[ln], ...)
  if (label) {
    ordilabel(cbind(tot, S), labels = rownames(x), ...)
于 2014-03-28T15:00:56.997 回答