我想知道将 ADAM(Active Directory 应用程序模式)存储用于 asp.net 成员是否有安全(或其他)优势。恐怕设置 ADAM 存储比默认成员数据库的默认 aspnet_regsql 脚本更困难,但我更喜欢更安全的解决方案。
我想知道将 ADAM(Active Directory 应用程序模式)存储用于 asp.net 成员是否有安全(或其他)优势。恐怕设置 ADAM 存储比默认成员数据库的默认 aspnet_regsql 脚本更困难,但我更喜欢更安全的解决方案。
It's not so much a security issue as a functional issue.
ADAM provides a more granular approach to security. The membership provider let's you assign Roles. ADAM does this as well, but it goes further in allowing you to create actions that can be assigned to multiple roles.
This means you can do things like enable a button on a page for everyone who has a particular Action. And that the action might be assigned to multiple roles. Which basically means ADAM can provide a much richer way to slice security up in your app.
我认为这与其说是安全问题,不如说是应用程序问题。AFAIK,您将在与其他应用程序(如操作系统)共享用户和安全相关信息的环境中使用 AD。SQLServer 设置在隔离的应用程序(或多个应用程序)方案中可能更有用。