I'm trying to train a model to use in the Google Prediction API
. I uploaded a csv with ~1 million rows and ~10 columns ~12 hours ago. The trainingStatus
has been "RUNNING" every time I've checked it over the past few hours but when I make a prediction.trainedmodels.get
request using the API Explorer it returns this response:
"kind": "prediction#training",
"id": "my_model",
"selfLink": "https://content.googleapis.com/prediction/v1.6/projects/my_project/trainedmodels/my_model",
"created": "2014-03-24T03:36:51.252Z",
"trainingStatus": "ERROR"
Is there any way to get a more detailed error message?
I have a valid billing profile enabled on my project and I don't see anything in the documentation.