我已经成功安装了Hadoop 插件。而且我也可以从 eclipse访问DFS位置。但是当我尝试将 Mapper 或 reducer 类添加到我创建的项目时,出现以下错误

除非源级别为 1.5,否则无法参数化超类。

我检查了构建路径位置,所有 Hadoop jar 都可用。可能是什么错误?


1 回答 1


This error has nothing to do with Hadoop. It is about your JDK version.
Check the installed JDK version on your system. And check also the project configuration (if there is any).
Maybe if there a configuration for the project, it is set to source level < 1.5

于 2014-03-22T12:02:40.993 回答