i have a calendar view its working pretty fine,,, but i need to restrict the results to one per date, if i have five events, my view looks odd so thought of adding a more link and displaying only one result per date.....

is there any way to this,, i have tried limiting the view to display the results to 1 but it doesn't work


1 回答 1


我通过更改日历模板文件实现了类似的功能。我使用的是 calendar-datebox.tpl.php(它格式化日历每个单元格中的日期,但我使用了这个,因为其他日历模板似乎不包含我需要的所有变量)。


// $items: An array of items for this day.
于 2010-02-22T11:23:09.843 回答