
cusp::coo_matrix<int,double,cusp::device_memory> A(3,3,4);

A.values[0] = 1;
A.row_indices[0] = 0;
A.column_indices[0]= 1;

A.values[1] = 2;
A.row_indices[1] = 1;
A.column_indices[1]= 0;

A.values[2] = 3;
A.row_indices[2] = 1;
A.column_indices[2]= 1;

A.values[3] = 4;
A.row_indices[3] = 2;
A.column_indices[3]= 2;

如何获取指向 row_indices、column_indices 和 values 数组的原始指针?我需要将它们传递给我的内核,如果可能的话,我想避免不必要的数据复制。


1 回答 1



如果您已经有 cusp 数据,并且想要转换为原始数据表示,我们可以使用 cusp 构建在推力之上的事实。这是一个完整的示例:

$ cat t346.cu
#include <cusp/coo_matrix.h>
#include <cusp/print.h>

template <typename T>
__global__ void my_swap_kernel(T *a, T *b, unsigned size){
  int idx = threadIdx.x+blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
  if (idx < size){
    T temp = b[idx];
    b[idx] = a[idx];
    a[idx] = temp;}

int main(void)
    // allocate storage for (4,3) matrix with 6 nonzeros
    cusp::coo_matrix<int,float,cusp::device_memory> A(4,3,6);

    // initialize matrix entries on host
    A.row_indices[0] = 0; A.column_indices[0] = 0; A.values[0] = 10;
    A.row_indices[1] = 0; A.column_indices[1] = 2; A.values[1] = 20;
    A.row_indices[2] = 2; A.column_indices[2] = 2; A.values[2] = 30;
    A.row_indices[3] = 3; A.column_indices[3] = 0; A.values[3] = 40;
    A.row_indices[4] = 3; A.column_indices[4] = 1; A.values[4] = 50;
    A.row_indices[5] = 3; A.column_indices[5] = 2; A.values[5] = 60;
    float *val0 = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&A.values[0]);
    float *val3 = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&A.values[3]);

    // A now represents the following matrix
    //    [10  0 20]
    //    [ 0  0  0]
    //    [ 0  0 30]
    //    [40 50 60]

    // print matrix entries
    my_swap_kernel<<<1,3>>>(val0, val3, 3);

    return 0;

$ nvcc -arch=sm_20 -o t346 t346.cu
$ cuda-memcheck ./t346
sparse matrix <4, 3> with 6 entries
              0              0             10
              0              2             20
              2              2             30
              3              0             40
              3              1             50
              3              2             60
sparse matrix <4, 3> with 6 entries
              0              0             40
              0              2             50
              2              2             60
              3              0             10
              3              1             20
              3              2             30
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors
于 2014-03-20T01:15:18.547 回答