I'm using Kiwi to test some classes and I need to stub a class method just to return a fake file path. I know that i can solve exposing some path property or create a subclass just for test, but i prefere to keep only one class and stub some methods.

this is the test:

it(@"return the full list of POS", ^(){
    NSString *sample_data_path = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] pathForResource:@"sample_pos" ofType:@"plist"];
    Class p = [PointOfSale class];
    [p stub:@selector(sampleDataPath) andReturn:sample_data_path];
    NSArray *allPos = [p findAll];
    [[theValue([allPos count]) should] equal:theValue(100)];

I'm confused because this test pass and fail alternatively, one success and one failure. There is not any "before_each"or other running test...

someone has the same issue?


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于 2014-03-19T08:03:50.833 回答