我的 C# 解决方案在字符串中查找重复的字符并使用它们来减少插入次数。在像program这样的词中,我使用 'r' 字符作为边界。在 'r's 内部,我将其设为回文(递归地)。在'r's之外,我镜像左右的字符。
- 雷达->雷达,0 次插入
- esystem -> metsystem , 2 次插入
- message -> megassagem , 3 次插入
- stackexchange -> stegnahckexekchangets , 8 个插入
public static bool IsPalindrome(string str)
for (int left = 0, right = str.Length - 1; left < right; left++, right--)
if (str[left] != str[right])
return false;
return true;
然后我需要在输入中找到任何重复的字符。可能不止一个。单词message有两个重复次数最多的字符('e' 和 's'):
private static bool TryFindMostRepeatedChar(string str, out List<char> chs)
chs = new List<char>();
int maxCount = 1;
var dict = new Dictionary<char, int>();
foreach (var item in str)
int temp;
if (dict.TryGetValue(item, out temp))
dict[item] = temp + 1;
maxCount = temp + 1;
dict.Add(item, 1);
foreach (var item in dict)
if (item.Value == maxCount)
return maxCount > 1;
public static string MakePalindrome(string str)
List<char> repeatedList;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) || IsPalindrome(str))
return str;
//If an input has repeated characters,
// use them to reduce the number of insertions
else if (TryFindMostRepeatedChar(str, out repeatedList))
string shortestResult = null;
foreach (var ch in repeatedList) //"program" -> { 'r' }
//find boundaries
int iLeft = str.IndexOf(ch); // "program" -> 1
int iRight = str.LastIndexOf(ch); // "program" -> 4
//make a palindrome of the inside chars
string inside = str.Substring(iLeft + 1, iRight - iLeft - 1); // "program" -> "og"
string insidePal = MakePalindrome(inside); // "og" -> "ogo"
string right = str.Substring(iRight + 1); // "program" -> "am"
string rightRev = Reverse(right); // "program" -> "ma"
string left = str.Substring(0, iLeft); // "program" -> "p"
string leftRev = Reverse(left); // "p" -> "p"
//Shave off extra chars in rightRev and leftRev
// When input = "message", this loop converts "meegassageem" to "megassagem",
// ("ee" to "e"), as long as the extra 'e' is an inserted char
while (left.Length > 0 && rightRev.Length > 0 &&
left[left.Length - 1] == rightRev[0])
rightRev = rightRev.Substring(1);
leftRev = leftRev.Substring(1);
//piece together the result
string result = left + rightRev + ch + insidePal + ch + right + leftRev;
//find the shortest result for inputs that have multiple repeated characters
if (shortestResult == null || result.Length < shortestResult.Length)
shortestResult = result;
return shortestResult;
//For inputs that have no repeated characters,
// just mirror the characters using the last character as the pivot.
for (int i = str.Length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
str += str[i];
return str;
public static string Reverse(string str)
string result = "";
for (int i = str.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
result += str[i];
return result;