IF I have a large changeset and want to be able to compare all changes before checking them in, is there a faster way than manually clicking compare to latest on every file? I have something like 900 files I changed, and that seems veryinefficient. There has to be a way to open all files in compare and be able to click close or ignore on each file one by one.

Best way to compare large changeset vs existing code?


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打开 Visual Studio 命令提示符(所有程序 | Visual Studio | Visual Studio 工具 | 开发人员命令提示符

(这只是一个普通的命令提示符,但设置了一些额外的环境变量,并在您的路径中使用了 Visual Studio 工具)。

使用 cd 命令将目录切换到要比较的本地磁盘上项目所在的根目录:示例:cd \MyProjects\TheProject


tf folderdiff . $/The/Tfs/Folder/Path/To/Corresponding/ProjectDir/On/Server /recursive /view:different

(“folderdiff”和“.”之间有一个空格,“.”和$/之间有另一个空格“。”只是说“使用当前的本地路径(你应该坐在上面)。正在在当前路径上还为 TFS 命令提供它需要的上下文,以便它知道如何连接到您的 TFS 服务器,以及使用哪个团队项目和集合。

于 2014-03-12T22:32:32.047 回答