我从 Stack Overflow 问题Disruptor.NET 示例中获取了代码示例,并将其修改为“测量”时间。完整清单如下:

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Disruptor;
using Disruptor.Dsl;

namespace DisruptorTest
    public sealed class ValueEntry
        public long Value { get; set; }

        public ValueEntry()
            Console.WriteLine("New ValueEntry created");

    public class ValueAdditionHandler : IEventHandler<ValueEntry>
        public void OnNext(ValueEntry data, long sequence, bool endOfBatch)
            long microseconds = Program.sw.ElapsedTicks / (Stopwatch.Frequency / (1000L * 1000L));
            Console.WriteLine("elapsed microseconds = " + microseconds);
            Console.WriteLine("Event handled: Value = {0} (processed event {1}", data.Value, sequence);

    class Program
        public static Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

        private static readonly Random _random = new Random();
        private static readonly int _ringSize = 16;  // Must be multiple of 2

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var disruptor = new Disruptor.Dsl.Disruptor<ValueEntry>(() => new ValueEntry(), _ringSize, TaskScheduler.Default);

            disruptor.HandleEventsWith(new ValueAdditionHandler());

            var ringBuffer = disruptor.Start();

            while (true)
                var valueToSet = _random.Next();
                long sequenceNo = ringBuffer.Next();

                ValueEntry entry = ringBuffer[sequenceNo];

                entry.Value = valueToSet;


                Console.WriteLine("Published entry {0}, value {1}", sequenceNo, entry.Value);



New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
New ValueEntry created
Published entry 0, value 1510145842
elapsed microseconds = 2205
Event handled: Value = 1510145842 (processed event 0
Published entry 1, value 1718075893
elapsed microseconds = 85
Event handled: Value = 1718075893 (processed event 1
Published entry 2, value 1675907645
elapsed microseconds = 32
Event handled: Value = 1675907645 (processed event 2
Published entry 3, value 1563009446
elapsed microseconds = 75
Event handled: Value = 1563009446 (processed event 3
Published entry 4, value 1782914062
elapsed microseconds = 34
Event handled: Value = 1782914062 (processed event 4
Published entry 5, value 1516398244
elapsed microseconds = 50
Event handled: Value = 1516398244 (processed event 5
Published entry 6, value 76829327
elapsed microseconds = 50
Event handled: Value = 76829327 (processed event 6

因此,将数据从一个线程传递到另一个线程大约需要 50 微秒。但它一点也不快!“当前版本的 Disruptor 可以在线程之间以每秒 100 万条消息的速度执行约 50 ns。” 所以我的结果比预期的慢 1000 倍。

我的示例有什么问题,如何实现 50 ns 的速度?

我已经修改了上面的程序,现在收到 1 微秒的延迟,这要好得多。但是,我仍在等待disruptor模式专家的回复。我正在寻找一个可以证明我实际上可以在 50 ns 内传递数据的示例。

BlockingCollection此外,我使用平均 14 微秒编写了相同的测试,这证明它Disruptor更快:

使用 BlockingCollection:

average = 14 minimum = 0 0-5 = 890558, 5-10 = 1773781, 10-30 = 6900128, >30 = 435433


average = 0 minimum = 0 0-5 = 9908469, 5-10 = 64464, 10-30 = 19902, >30 = 7065

BlockingCollection 代码:

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace DisruptorTest
    public sealed class ValueEntry
        public int Value { get; set; }

        public ValueEntry()
            //   Console.WriteLine("New ValueEntry created");

    //public class ValueAdditionHandler : IEventHandler<ValueEntry>
    //    public void OnNext(ValueEntry data, long sequence, bool endOfBatch)
    //    {

    //        long microseconds = Program.sw[data.Value].ElapsedTicks / (Stopwatch.Frequency / (1000L * 1000L));
    //        Program.results[data.Value] = microseconds;
    //        //Console.WriteLine("elapsed microseconds = " + microseconds);
    //        //Console.WriteLine("Event handled: Value = {0} (processed event {1}", data.Value, sequence);
    //    }

    class Program
        public const int length = 10000000;
        public static Stopwatch[] sw = new Stopwatch[length];
        public static long[] results = new long[length];

        static BlockingCollection<ValueEntry> dataItems = new BlockingCollection<ValueEntry>(150);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                sw[i] = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // A simple blocking consumer with no cancellation.
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                while (!dataItems.IsCompleted)

                    ValueEntry ve = null;
                        ve = dataItems.Take();
                        long microseconds = sw[ve.Value].ElapsedTicks / (Stopwatch.Frequency / (1000L * 1000L));
                        results[ve.Value] = microseconds;

                        //Console.WriteLine("elapsed microseconds = " + microseconds);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Event handled: Value = {0} (processed event {1}", ve.Value, ve.Value);
                    catch (InvalidOperationException) { }
            }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                var valueToSet = i;

                ValueEntry entry = new ValueEntry();
                entry.Value = valueToSet;


                //Console.WriteLine("Published entry {0}, value {1}", valueToSet, entry.Value);

            // Wait until all events are delivered

            long average = 0;
            long minimum = 10000000000;
            int firstFive = 0;
            int fiveToTen = 0;
            int tenToThirty = 0;
            int moreThenThirty = 0;

            // Do not count first 100 items because they could be extremely slow
            for (int i = 100; i < length; i++)
                average += results[i];
                if (results[i] < minimum)
                    minimum = results[i];
                if (results[i] < 5)
                else if (results[i] < 10)
                else if (results[i] < 30)
                } else
            average /= (length - 100);
            Console.WriteLine("average = {0} minimum = {1} 0-5 = {2}, 5-10 = {3}, 10-30 = {4}, >30 = {5}", average, minimum, firstFive, fiveToTen, tenToThirty, moreThenThirty);


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Disruptor;
using Disruptor.Dsl;

namespace DisruptorTest
    public sealed class ValueEntry
        public int Value { get; set; }

        public ValueEntry()
            //   Console.WriteLine("New ValueEntry created");

    public class ValueAdditionHandler : IEventHandler<ValueEntry>
        public void OnNext(ValueEntry data, long sequence, bool endOfBatch)

            long microseconds = Program.sw[data.Value].ElapsedTicks / (Stopwatch.Frequency / (1000L * 1000L));
            Program.results[data.Value] = microseconds;
            //Console.WriteLine("elapsed microseconds = " + microseconds);
            //Console.WriteLine("Event handled: Value = {0} (processed event {1}", data.Value, sequence);

    class Program
        public const int length = 10000000;
        public static Stopwatch[] sw = new Stopwatch[length];
        public static long[] results = new long[length];

        private static readonly Random _random = new Random();
        private static readonly int _ringSize = 1024;  // Must be multiple of 2

        static void Main(string[] args)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                sw[i] = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var disruptor = new Disruptor.Dsl.Disruptor<ValueEntry>(() => new ValueEntry(), _ringSize, TaskScheduler.Default);

            disruptor.HandleEventsWith(new ValueAdditionHandler());

            var ringBuffer = disruptor.Start();

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                var valueToSet = i;
                long sequenceNo = ringBuffer.Next();

                ValueEntry entry = ringBuffer[sequenceNo];

                entry.Value = valueToSet;


                //Console.WriteLine("Published entry {0}, value {1}", sequenceNo, entry.Value);


            // wait until all events are delivered

            long average = 0;
            long minimum = 10000000000;
            int firstFive = 0;
            int fiveToTen = 0;
            int tenToThirty = 0;
            int moreThenThirty = 0;

            // Do not count first 100 items because they could be extremely slow
            for (int i = 100; i < length; i++)
                average += results[i];
                if (results[i] < minimum)
                    minimum = results[i];
                if (results[i] < 5)
                else if (results[i] < 10)
                else if (results[i] < 30)
            average /= (length - 100);
            Console.WriteLine("average = {0} minimum = {1} 0-5 = {2}, 5-10 = {3}, 10-30 = {4}, >30 = {5}", average, minimum, firstFive, fiveToTen, tenToThirty, moreThenThirty);

2 回答 2



using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Disruptor;
using Disruptor.Dsl;

namespace DisruptorTest
    public sealed class ValueEntry
        public int Value { get; set; }

        public ValueEntry()
         //   Console.WriteLine("New ValueEntry created");

    class Program
        public const int length = 1000000;
        public static Stopwatch sw;

        private static readonly Random _random = new Random();
        private static readonly int _ringSize = 1024;  // Must be multiple of 2

        static void Main(string[] args)
            sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var disruptor = new Disruptor.Dsl.Disruptor<ValueEntry>(() => new ValueEntry(), _ringSize, TaskScheduler.Default);

            var ringBuffer = disruptor.Start();

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                var valueToSet = i;
                long sequenceNo = ringBuffer.Next();

                ValueEntry entry = ringBuffer[sequenceNo];

                entry.Value = valueToSet;


                //Console.WriteLine("Published entry {0}, value {1}", sequenceNo, entry.Value);


            var elapsed = sw.Elapsed.Miliseconds();
            // wait until all events are delivered

            double average = /(double)length;
            Console.WriteLine("average = " + average);


于 2012-11-11T20:32:02.807 回答

我阅读了 BlockingCollection 代码,您Console.WriteLine在 Disruptor 中添加了很多,但在 BlockingCollection 中没有添加,Console.WriteLine很慢,它里面有一个锁。


并且while (!dataItems.IsCompleted)可能有一些问题,BlockCollection 并不总是处于添加状态,它会导致线程提前结束。

Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
    while (!dataItems.IsCompleted)

        ValueEntry ve = null;
    ve = dataItems.Take();
    long microseconds = sw[ve.Value].ElapsedTicks / (Stopwatch.Frequency / (1000L * 1000L));
    results[ve.Value] = microseconds;

    //Console.WriteLine("elapsed microseconds = " + microseconds);
    //Console.WriteLine("Event handled: Value = {0} (processed event {1}", ve.Value, ve.Value);
        catch (InvalidOperationException) { }
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    var valueToSet = i;

    ValueEntry entry = new ValueEntry();
    entry.Value = valueToSet;


    //Console.WriteLine("Published entry {0}, value {1}", valueToSet, entry.Value);

我已经重写了你的代码,Disruptor 比具有多个生产者(10 个并行生产者)的 BlockingCollection 快 10 倍,比具有单个生产者的 BlockingCollection 快 2 倍:

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Disruptor;
using Disruptor.Dsl;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace DisruptorTest.Ds
    public sealed class ValueEntry
        internal int Id { get; set; }

    class MyHandler : IEventHandler<ValueEntry>
        public void OnEvent(ValueEntry data, long sequence, bool endOfBatch)

    public class DisruptorPerformanceTest
        private volatile bool collectionAddEnded;

        private int producerCount = 10;
        private int runCount = 1000000;
        private int RingBufferAndCapacitySize = 1024;

        public async Task TestBoth()
            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                foreach (var rs in new int[] {64, 512, 1024, 2048 /*,4096,4096*2*/})
                    Console.WriteLine($"RingBufferAndCapacitySize:{rs}, producerCount:{producerCount}, runCount:{runCount} of {i}");
                    RingBufferAndCapacitySize = rs;
                    await DisruptorTest();
                    await BlockingCollectionTest();

        public async Task BlockingCollectionTest()
            var sw = new Stopwatch();
            BlockingCollection<ValueEntry> dataItems = new BlockingCollection<ValueEntry>(RingBufferAndCapacitySize);


            collectionAddEnded = false;

            // A simple blocking consumer with no cancellation.
            var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                while (!collectionAddEnded && !dataItems.IsCompleted)
                    //if (!dataItems.IsCompleted && dataItems.TryTake(out var ve))
                    if (dataItems.TryTake(out var ve))
            }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

            var tasks = new Task[producerCount];
            for (int t = 0; t < producerCount; t++)
                tasks[t] = Task.Run(() =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < runCount; i++)
                        ValueEntry entry = new ValueEntry();
                        entry.Id = i;

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            collectionAddEnded = true;
            await task;


            Console.WriteLine($"BlockingCollectionTest Time:{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000d}");

        public async Task DisruptorTest()
            var disruptor =
                new Disruptor.Dsl.Disruptor<ValueEntry>(() => new ValueEntry(), RingBufferAndCapacitySize, TaskScheduler.Default,
                    producerCount > 1 ? ProducerType.Multi : ProducerType.Single, new BlockingWaitStrategy());
            disruptor.HandleEventsWith(new MyHandler());

            var _ringBuffer = disruptor.Start();

            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            var tasks = new Task[producerCount];
            for (int t = 0; t < producerCount; t++)
                tasks[t] = Task.Run(() =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < runCount; i++)
                        long sequenceNo = _ringBuffer.Next();
                        _ringBuffer[sequenceNo].Id = 0;

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);


            Console.WriteLine($"DisruptorTest Time:{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000d}s");

具有共享 ValueEntry 实例的 BlockingCollectionTest(for 循环中没有新的 ValueEntry())

  • RingBufferAndCapacitySize:64, producerCount:10, runCount:1000000 of 0



  • RingBufferAndCapacitySize:512, producerCount:10, runCount:1000000 of 0 DisruptorTest Time:6.101s


  • RingBufferAndCapacitySize:1024, producerCount:10, runCount:1000000 of 0



  • RingBufferAndCapacitySize:2048, producerCount:10, runCount:1000000 of 0



BlockingCollectionTest 在 for 循环中创建一个新的 ValueEntry()

  • RingBufferAndCapacitySize:64, producerCount:10, runCount:1000000 of 0



  • RingBufferAndCapacitySize:512, producerCount:10, runCount:1000000 of 0



  • RingBufferAndCapacitySize:1024, producerCount:10, runCount:1000000 of 0



  • RingBufferAndCapacitySize:2048, producerCount:10, runCount:1000000 of 0




于 2019-10-28T06:36:34.633 回答