使用 Microsoft Active Directory 和 Unboundid SDK,并且有一个成员超过 29k 的组。
public static List<String> getAttributeRangeBasedSearch(LDAPConnection ldc, String basedn, String filter, int step, String return_attribute) throws LDAPException
List<String> allValues = new ArrayList<String>();
// initialize counter to total the group members and range values
int allvalues = 0;
int start = 0;
// int step = 1000;
int finish = step - 1;
boolean finallyFinished = false;
String range;
// loop through the query until we have all the results
while (!finallyFinished)
range = start + "-" + finish;
String currentRange = return_attribute + ";Range=" + range;
String range_returnedAtts[] = { currentRange };
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(basedn, SearchScope.BASE, filter, range_returnedAtts);
List<SearchResultEntry> rangedEntries = ldc.search(searchRequest).getSearchEntries();
for (Iterator<SearchResultEntry> iterator = rangedEntries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
SearchResultEntry searchResultEntry = iterator.next();
Collection<Attribute> allAttribute = searchResultEntry.getAttributes();
for (Iterator<Attribute> attributeIterator = allAttribute.iterator(); attributeIterator.hasNext();)
Attribute attribute = attributeIterator.next();
log.debug("---> " + allvalues + ": " + attribute.getName());
if (attribute.getName().endsWith("*"))
currentRange = attribute.getName();
finallyFinished = true;
String[] attributeBatch = searchResultEntry.getAttributeValues(currentRange);
for (int i = 0; i < attributeBatch.length; i++)
log.debug("-- " + allvalues++ + " " + attribute.getName() + ":" + attributeBatch[i]);
}// for SearchResultEntry
start = start + step;
finish = finish + step;
}// finallyFinished
return allValues;