我知道如何检查用户是否通过 PHP 登录,但是当事件发生时我需要做一些样式,我为此创建了一个单独的 JavaScript 文件。这是一个 Drupal 变量还是我也可以引用的东西?
8937 次
4 回答
function [YOUR_MODULE]_init()
global $user;
drupal_add_js(array('user_js_uid' => $user->uid), 'setting');
然后在您的 javascript 代码中,检查模块中定义的变量的值user_js_uid
if(Drupal.settings.user_js_uid == 0)
// execute code for non logged in users
// execute code for logged in users
于 2012-04-17T06:46:52.003 回答
如果您正在等待 DOM 准备好并使用标准生成的 Drupal CSS 类,您可以执行以下操作(使用 jQuery):
if( $( "body.not-logged-in" ).length )
// user is not logged in
于 2013-05-30T06:42:04.420 回答
For Drupal 8 if you use Drupal.behaviors, you can access the user UID in settings:
(function($, Drupal, viewport, settings) {
"use strict";
Drupal.behaviors.ifCE = { //the name of our behavior
attach: function (context, settings) {
var userUID = settings.user.uid;
//your code...
})(jQuery, Drupal, ResponsiveBootstrapToolkit, drupalSettings);
So if the userUID === 0
then your user is not connected.
于 2017-03-13T08:25:58.530 回答
The "not-logged-in" class doesn't seem to exist in vanilla Drupal 8. But there's "user-logged-in" instead. Here's one line of CSS I'm using to hide the custom "Register" menu item if a user is logged in:
body.user-logged-in a[href="/user/register"] {display: none; }
于 2017-02-02T09:03:35.717 回答