感谢 StackOverflow 上的一些帮助,我目前正在为 CAShapeLayer 中的路径设置动画,以制作一个三角形,该三角形从移动的精灵指向屏幕上的另一个移动点。
动画完成后,三角形会从屏幕上消失。我使用的持续时间非常短,因为每个精灵每 0.1 秒就会触发一次此代码。结果是红色三角形正确跟踪,但它快速闪烁或完全不存在。当我增加持续时间时,我可以看到三角形停留的时间更长。
)直到再次调用该方法以从该点动画到下一个点?我尝试设置removedOnCompletion 和removeAllAnimations,但无济于事。
//this is the code that moves the connector from it's current point to the next point
//using animation vs. position or redrawing it
//set the newTrianglePath
newTrianglePath = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathMoveToPoint(newTrianglePath, nil, pointGrid.x, pointGrid.y);//start at bottom point on grid
CGPathAddLineToPoint(newTrianglePath, nil, pointBlob.x, (pointBlob.y - 10.0));//define left vertice
CGPathAddLineToPoint(newTrianglePath, nil, pointBlob.x, (pointBlob.y + 10.0));//define the right vertice
CGPathAddLineToPoint(newTrianglePath, nil, pointGrid.x, pointGrid.y);//close the path
//NSLog(@"PointBlob.y = %f", pointBlob.y);
CABasicAnimation *connectorAnimation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"path"];`enter code here`
connectorAnimation.duration = .007; //duration need to be less than the time it takes to fire handle timer again
connectorAnimation.removedOnCompletion = NO; //trying to keep the the triangle from disappearing after the animation
connectorAnimation.fromValue = (id)trianglePath;
connectorAnimation.toValue = (id)newTrianglePath;
[shapeLayer addAnimation:connectorAnimation forKey:@"animatePath"];
//now make the newTrianglePath the old one, so the next animation starts with the new position 2.9-KC
self.trianglePath = self.newTrianglePath;