如何在 64 位 windows server 2012 上构建 cpan 模块?


It looks like you don't have a C compiler and make utility installed.  Trying
to install dmake and the MinGW64 gcc compiler using the Perl Package Manager.
This may take a a few minutes...

Downloading pan packlist...done
ppm.bat install failed: Can't find any package that provides MinGW64

It looks like the installation of dmake and MinGW64 has failed.  You will not
be able to run Makefile commands or compile C extension code.  Please check
your internet connection and your proxy settings!

1 回答 1


使用草莓 Perl(64 位)!这个版本的 Perl 带有一个 gcc 编译器,并且在 64 位系统上工作,你可以从 CPAN 下载模型并在需要时编译它们。

于 2014-03-05T09:47:34.797 回答