我最近在 C# 中整理了 Diamond-Square 程序生成算法的实现。但是,生成的噪声在所使用的“正方形”之间具有非常明显的边界。伪代码看起来像这样

    This takes the two outer corners (upper left and lower right) as parameters (i.e. (0,0) and (4,4))

    Change center point of square using average of outer four corners and a random weight change.    

    Change four "diamond point" midpoints of the four sides of the square using the same idea.

        gen(topRightCorner, centerPoint);
        gen(centerPoint, bottomRightCorner);







public class _3DMapGenerator
    public _3DMapGenerator(int powerOf2)
        sideLength = (int)Math.Pow(2, powerOf2) + 1;

        for (int x = 0; x < sideLength; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < sideLength; y++)
                data.Add(new Point(x, y), 0.5M);


    int sideLength;
    Random r = new Random();
    public Dictionary<Point, decimal> data = new Dictionary<Point, decimal>();

    public void genMap(Point p1 = null,Point p2 = null)
        if(p1 == null || p2 == null)
            p1 = new Point(0, 0);
            p2 = new Point(sideLength - 1, sideLength - 1);

        Point centerPoint = new Point((p1.x + p2.x) / 2, (p1.y + p2.y) / 2);

        if (p2.x - p1.x < 2 || p2.y - p1.y < 2)

        decimal swing = ((decimal)(1+p2.x - p1.x))/sideLength;

        Point p1_2 = new Point(p2.x, p1.y);
        Point p2_1 = new Point(p1.x, p2.y);

        Console.WriteLine("Points: " + p1 + "   " + p1_2 + "   " + p2_1 + "   " + p2);
        data[centerPoint] = ((decimal)(data[p1] + data[p2] + data[p1_2] + data[p2_1])) / 4 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2);

        Point mP1 = Point.getMidpoint(p1, p1_2);
        Point mP2 = Point.getMidpoint(p1, p2_1);
        Point mP3 = Point.getMidpoint(p1_2, p2);
        Point mP4 = Point.getMidpoint(p2_1, p2);

        swing /= 2;
        data[mP1] = ((decimal)(data[p1]  + data[p1_2])) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2);
        data[mP2] = ((decimal)(data[p1] + data[p2_1])) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2);
        data[mP3] = ((decimal)(data[p1_2] + data[p2])) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2);
        data[mP4] = ((decimal)(data[p2_1] + data[p2])) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2);

        genMap(p1, centerPoint);
        genMap(mP1, mP3);
        genMap(mP2, mP4);
        genMap(centerPoint, p2);

    public void printToImage(string fileName)
        Bitmap bmp = DrawFilledRectangle(sideLength,sideLength);
        foreach(var o in data)
            bmp.SetPixel(o.Key.x, o.Key.y, Color.FromArgb((int)(255 * o.Value), (int)(255 * o.Value), (int)(255 * o.Value)));

    private static Bitmap DrawFilledRectangle(int x, int y)
        Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(x, y);
        using (Graphics graph = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
            Rectangle ImageSize = new Rectangle(0, 0, x, y);
            graph.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, ImageSize);
        return bmp;




public Dictionary<Point, List<decimal>> data = new Dictionary<Point, List<decimal>>();

    static Random r = new Random();

    public int sideLength;

    public void genMap()
        for (int sideLen = sideLength; sideLen >= 3; sideLen = sideLen / 2 + 1)
            for (int yOff = 0; yOff + sideLen < sideLength + 1; yOff += sideLen - 1)
                for (int xOff = 0; xOff + sideLen < sideLength + 1; xOff += sideLen - 1)

                    Point upL = new Point(xOff, yOff);
                    Point upR = new Point(xOff + sideLen - 1, yOff);
                    Point lowL = new Point(xOff, yOff + sideLen - 1);
                    Point lowR = new Point(xOff + sideLen - 1, yOff + sideLen - 1);

                    Point centerPoint = new Point((upL.x + lowR.x) / 2, (upL.y + lowR.y) / 2);

                    Point mPTop = Point.getMidpoint(upL, upR);
                    Point mPLeft = Point.getMidpoint(upL, lowL);
                    Point mPRight = Point.getMidpoint(upR, lowR);
                    Point mPBottom = Point.getMidpoint(lowL, lowR);

                    decimal swing = ((decimal)(1 + sideLen)) / (2 * sideLength);

                    set(mPTop, ((decimal)(get(upL) + get(upR))) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2));
                    set(mPLeft, ((decimal)(get(upL) + get(lowL))) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2));
                    set(mPRight, ((decimal)(get(upR) + get(lowR))) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2));
                    set(mPBottom, ((decimal)(get(lowL) + get(lowR))) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2));

                    swing *= 2;
                    set(centerPoint, ((decimal)(get(upL) + get(upR) + get(lowL) + get(lowR))) / 4 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2));


    void set(int x, int y, decimal d)
        set(new Point(x, y), d);

    void set(Point p, decimal d)

    Decimal get(int x, int y)
        return get(new Point(x, y));
    Decimal get(Point p)
        if (data[p].Count == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("No elements.");
            return 0;
        return data[p].Average();

2 回答 2


这是我的猜测,因为我现在无法访问 ide。


    data[mP1] = ((decimal)(data[p1]  + data[p1_2])) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2);
    data[mP2] = ((decimal)(data[p1] + data[p2_1])) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2);
    data[mP3] = ((decimal)(data[p1_2] + data[p2])) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2);
    data[mP4] = ((decimal)(data[p2_1] + data[p2])) / 2 + ((decimal)r.NextDouble() * swing) - (swing / 2);


于 2014-02-20T21:13:37.673 回答

不久前我遇到了类似的问题,解决方案实际上相当简单。错误在于您仅对围绕中点的角进行平均,而不是对围绕它的整个“菱形”进行平均。因此,它将正方形伪影留在后面,因此简单的解决方案是找到您已经平均的两个角的平均值以及左右正方形的中心,如果左侧或右侧没有正方形,那么您可以让它成为或添加平均值加上一个随机数,另外你调用 genMap 四次,然后导致它到达一个节点的底部,然后继续下一个,目前这不是问题,但是一旦您实施了完整的菱形步骤,您会发现它们永远不是左右感觉的邻居,您不会一次计算每个级别。要解决这个问题,只需调用一次函数并让 for 循环遍历特定大小的每个“扇区”。

于 2014-03-31T02:23:38.097 回答