Before I knew the existence of AppGyver Steroids, I was building an app with PhoneGap, everything was going on smoothly. Recently, I tried to use AppGyver Steroids to build my app, so I ported the project from PhoneGap to Steroids following the official guide found on the web. I could successfully debug my app on my MacBook afterwards, no problems at all.

I have created an app with AppGyver Steroids that shows a Microsoft Bing Map with several hundred pushpins attached. When I wanted to test it on my Samsung Galaxy S2, I deployed it to the cloud and built the apk file with the Ad Hoc version. Most of the build settings are left as default.

Later, when I install it on my device and run it, the default "AppGyver" splashscreen lingered for around 15 seconds or longer before the Bing Map showed up.

I would like to know:

  • if there are any ways to adjust the duration of showing the splashscreen
  • the reason of such a long loading time if this is not a "setting-related" issue

1 回答 1


我在运行 Android 4.1 的三星 Galaxy Ace 2 上发现了同样的问题。然而,在三星 Galaxy S4 Mini 上,闪屏消失得更快,大约 5 秒后。类固醇本机代码是不公开的,因此如果不询问 Appgyver 工作人员就很难/不可能找到这个问题的根源,但无论如何他们正在开发一个新的 Android 客户端,几乎肯定会解决这种问题。我认为不幸的是,这是一个坚持不懈的情况......如果您想尝试询问 Appgyver 工作人员,他们通常会非常敏感:http ://forums.appgyver.com/

于 2014-03-05T16:37:31.017 回答