我尝试基于鞍的 Series 类创建一个 TimeSeries 类。我在测试中收到以下错误:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/saddle/scalar/ScalarTag
object TimeSeries {
def apply[V: ST](values: (LocalDate, V)*): TimeSeries[V] = {
new TimeSeries(Series(values: _*))
class TimeSeries[V: ST](values: Series[LocalDate, V]) { ... }
class TimeSeriesTest extends WordSpec with GivenWhenThen with ShouldMatchersForJUnit {
"TimeSeries" when {
val d2014_02_01 = new LocalDate(2014, 2, 1);
val d2014_02_03 = new LocalDate(2014, 2, 3);
val d2014_02_04 = new LocalDate(2014, 2, 4);
"created with data points as arguments" should {
"have the earliest point as start, the latest as the end, and a length" in {
val a = TimeSeries(d2014_02_01 -> 0.6, d2014_02_03 -> 4.5, d2014_02_04 -> 0.9)
我的猜测是它与 TimeSeries 类中绑定的上下文有关。我是那个话题的新手。有什么建议么?