我正在尝试在 Windows 7 - MSVC12 Express 中使用 stxxl。
[STXXL-MSG] STXXL v1.4.0 (prerelease/) [STXXL-ERRMSG] 警告:找不到配置文件。[STXXL-ERRMSG] 使用默认磁盘配置。[STXXL-MSG] 磁盘 'C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\stxxl.tmp' 已分配,空间:1000 MiB,I/O 实现:wincall autogrow delete_on_exit queue=0
但在抛出错误之前经历了很长的周期 -
“Microsoft C++ 异常:内存位置 0x0028DF50 处的 std::bad_alloc”
如果我在 'disk=c:/stxxl.tmp,4G,wincall delete' 条目中包含配置文件 (.stxxl.txt):我收到错误
[STXXL-MSG] STXXL v1.4.0 (prerelease/) [STXXL-MSG] 路径=c:\stxxl.tmp 模式=28 上的 CreateFile() 错误,在没有 DI RECT 模式的情况下重试。[STXXL-MSG] 分配磁盘“c:\stxxl.tmp”时出错,空间:3814 MiB,I/O 实现:wincall delete_on_exit queue=0
我使用的标头中只有 stxxl 特定信息是:#include
湾。它没有命中 main - 因为我在第一行放了一个断点。
我试图通过在具有 4 GB 内存的 Windows m/c 上运行来了解这一点。我是新手,你能帮忙吗?
2014 年 2 月 23 日:下面是 STXXL 的 test_vector 示例中的声明示例(我的导致错误的声明被添加到 STXXL 的 test_vector.cpp 中,效果很好。即使在进入 main 之前,也会产生上述错误。发生这种情况当我在代码中声明“向量 E”时。
* tests/containers/test_vector.cpp
* Part of the STXXL. See http://stxxl.sourceforge.net
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2006 Roman Dementiev <dementiev@mpi-sb.mpg.de>
* Copyright (C) 2010 Johannes Singler <singler@kit.edu>
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
//! \example containers/test_vector.cpp
//! This is an example of use of \c stxxl::vector and
//! \c stxxl::VECTOR_GENERATOR. Vector type is configured
//! to store 64-bit integers and have 2 pages each of 1 block
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stxxl/vector>
#include <stxxl/scan>
//the includes that are not showing properly are iostream, algorithm, stxxl/vector and stxxl/scan
// I added code till I indicate that again with comment
struct R1 {
float S1;
float S2;
float S3;
float S4;
float S5;
char S6[2];
float S7;
char S8[15];
double S9;
struct G11{
float A;
float B;
float C;
float D;
stxxl::vector<R1> R;
struct E1{
char S11[80];
int N11;
stxxl::vector<G11> G;
typedef stxxl::VECTOR_GENERATOR<E1>::result vector;
vector E;
//finish elements I added above where the error is
struct element // 24 bytes, not a power of 2 intentionally
stxxl::int64 key;
stxxl::int64 load0;
stxxl::int64 load1;
element& operator = (stxxl::int64 i)
key = i;
load0 = i + 42;
load1 = i ^ 42;
return *this;
bool operator == (const element& e2) const
return key == e2.key && load0 == e2.load0 && load1 == e2.load1;
struct counter
int value;
counter(int v) : value(v) { }
int operator () ()
int old_val = value;
return old_val;
template <class my_vec_type>
void test_const_iterator(const my_vec_type& x)
typename my_vec_type::const_iterator i = x.begin();
i = x.end() - 1;
void test_vector1()
// use non-randomized striping to avoid side effects on random generator
typedef stxxl::VECTOR_GENERATOR<element, 2, 2, (1024* 1024), stxxl::striping>::result vector_type;
vector_type v(32 * 1024 * 1024 / sizeof(element));
// test assignment const_iterator = iterator
vector_type::const_iterator c_it = v.begin();
unsigned int big_size = 2 * 32 * 1024 * 1024;
typedef stxxl::vector<double> vec_big;
vec_big my_vec(big_size);
vec_big::iterator big_it = my_vec.begin();
big_it += 6;
stxxl::random_number32 rnd;
int offset = rnd();
STXXL_MSG("write " << v.size() << " elements");
stxxl::ran32State = 0xdeadbeef;
vector_type::size_type i;
// fill the vector with increasing sequence of integer numbers
for (i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
v[i].key = i + offset;
STXXL_CHECK(v[i].key == stxxl::int64(i + offset));
// fill the vector with random numbers
stxxl::generate(v.begin(), v.end(), stxxl::random_number32(), 4);
STXXL_MSG("seq read of " << v.size() << " elements");
stxxl::ran32State = 0xdeadbeef;
// testing swap
vector_type a;
std::swap(v, a);
std::swap(v, a);
for (i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
STXXL_CHECK(v[i].key == rnd());
// check again
stxxl::ran32State = 0xdeadbeef + 10;
v.resize(32 * 1024 * 1024 / sizeof(element));
STXXL_MSG("write " << v.size() << " elements");
stxxl::generate(v.begin(), v.end(), stxxl::random_number32(), 4);
stxxl::ran32State = 0xdeadbeef + 10;
STXXL_MSG("seq read of " << v.size() << " elements");
for (i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
STXXL_CHECK(v[i].key == rnd());
STXXL_MSG("copy vector of " << v.size() << " elements");
vector_type v_copy0(v);
STXXL_CHECK(v == v_copy0);
vector_type v_copy1;
v_copy1 = v;
STXXL_CHECK(v == v_copy1);
//! check vector::resize(n,true)
void test_resize_shrink()
typedef stxxl::VECTOR_GENERATOR<int, 2, 4, 4096>::result vector_type;
vector_type vector;
int n = 1 << 16;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 100)
vector[i] = i;
vector.resize(1, true);
int main()
return 0;
// forced instantiation
template struct stxxl::VECTOR_GENERATOR<element, 2, 2, (1024* 1024), stxxl::striping>;
template class stxxl::vector<double>;
template class stxxl::vector_iterator<double, STXXL_DEFAULT_ALLOC_STRATEGY, stxxl::uint64, stxxl::int64, STXXL_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE(double), stxxl::lru_pager<8>, 4>;
template class stxxl::const_vector_iterator<double, STXXL_DEFAULT_ALLOC_STRATEGY, stxxl::uint64, stxxl::int64, STXXL_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE(double), stxxl::lru_pager<8>, 4>;
//-tb bufreader instantiation work only for const_iterator!
typedef stxxl::vector<double>::const_iterator const_vector_iterator;
template class stxxl::vector_bufreader<const_vector_iterator>;
template class stxxl::vector_bufreader_reverse<const_vector_iterator>;
template class stxxl::vector_bufreader_iterator<stxxl::vector_bufreader<const_vector_iterator> >;
typedef stxxl::vector<double>::iterator vector_iterator;
template class stxxl::vector_bufwriter<vector_iterator>;