在Where to put dispatch.Http.shutdown()我问dispatch.Http.shutdown()
独立的 Http 调用,将调用放在哪里。然而,这些n
级联 Http 调用怎么样,而outer1
val outer1 = dispatch.Http(... request1 ...)
val outer2 = dispatch.Http(... request2 ...)
outer1 onComplete {
case Success(h) =>
/*inner11*/ dispatch.Http(... request11 based on `h` ...) onComplete { ... }
/*inner12*/ dispatch.Http(... request12 based on `h` ...) onComplete { ... }
case Failure(e) => logger.debug(s"Error: $e")
outer2 onComplete {
case Success(j) =>
/*inner21*/ dispatch.Http(... request21 based on `j` ...) onComplete { ... }
/*inner22*/ dispatch.Http(... request22 based on `j` ...) onComplete { ... }
case Failure(e) => logger.debug(s"Error: $e")
dispatch.Future.sequence(outer1 :: outer2 :: Nil) onComplete {
case _ => dispatch.Http.shutdown() // <<<<< too early
更新 1:感谢 Kevin Wright,事情变得更加清晰。在下文中,我试图澄清为什么我需要这个级联期货和嵌套期货上的 onComplete。假设我想获取经过身份验证的用户的所有可访问 GitHub 存储库的 URL 列表:
object Main extends App with Logging {
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
def logFailure[T](f: Future[T]) =
f onFailure { case x => logger.debug("Error: " + x.toString) }
// Personal access token
val pat = "..."
// GitHub API
val github: Req = host("api.github.com").secure
// Http executor
//val http = Http()
// User profile of authenticated user
val ur: Req = github / "user" <:< Map("Authorization" -> s"token $pat")
// Retrieve *all* accessible repositories for authenticated user
Http(ur OK as.json4s.Json) flatMap { u =>
// organizations' repos
val inner1 = (u \ "organizations_url").toOption collect { case JString(org) =>
Http(url(org) OK as.json4s.Json) flatMap { o =>
(o \ "repos_url").toOption collect { case JString(rep) =>
Http(url(rep) OK as.json4s.Json) map { _ \ "html_url" }
// user's repos
val inner2 = (u \ "repos_url").toOption collect { case JString(usr) =>
Http(url(usr) OK as.json4s.Json) map { _ \ "html_url" }
然后,一旦我检索到所有要git clone
为每个 URL 生成一个进程的 URL。
还没有类型检查。而且, ifinner1: Option[Future[JValue]]
和inner2: Option[Future[JValue]]
, thenFuture.sequence(inner1 :: inner2 :: Nil)