平台:SoftwareAG WebMethods 8.2 问题:我有 2 个 DocumentList。其中一个包含 XOPObjects 和其他字符串。我必须将 XOPObject 转换为 String 并将其复制到其他 DocList 的对应字符串字段。怎么了?没有什么。当 XOPObject 的 base64string 很好地生成时,String 字段仍然是条目。
使用 Given DocList:A(Source with XOP) DocList:B(Target with String field) 执行的步骤
1. Loop over A
2. Create Base64String from XOPObject using pub.soap.utils:getXOPObjectContent
3. Call pub.flow:debugLog to check if the base64String is generated
4. Generate index variable from $iteration with pub.math:subtractInts as index:=$iteration-1
5. Perform map step from base64String to B's String field with index set to %index%
6. After loop
7. pub.xml:documentToXmlString to generate xml representation of the B document
8. pub.flow:debugLog
9. Nothing is in the String field...