//Create TreeMap to Store the Role-Group association. Note a role can have more than one group
TreeMap<String,Collection<String>> projectGroups = new TreeMap<String,Collection<String>>();
//Get all the project roles
Collection<ProjectRole> projectRoles = projectRoleManager.getProjectRoles();
//Iterate through each role and get the groups associated with the role
for (ProjectRole projectRole : projectRoles)
//Get the role actors for the project role
ProjectRoleActors roleActors = projectRoleManager.getProjectRoleActors(projectRole, project);
//Create an iterator to grab all of the groups for this project role
Iterator <RoleActor> roleActorIterator = roleActors.getRoleActors().iterator();
//Create a collection of strings to store all of the group's roles to put in the map
Collection <String> groupRoles = new ArrayList<String>();
//Iterate the role actors to get the groups
while (roleActorIterator.hasNext())
//Add the group by string name into collection
}//END While
//Add that role, and the associated groups to that role into our map.
projectGroups.put(projectRole.getName(), groupRoles);
}//END For
{Administrators=[jira-administrators], Developers=[jira-developers, jira-users], Users=[jira-users]}