
I am investigating building a web app.

I know systems like Twitter Bootstrap provide a great starting point for front end design but what are the options for back end, preferably PHP/mySQL but I am open to anything. I have searched around a bit but I am not sure I have the right terminology because all of my searches have brought up nothing close to what I need, so I can only assume I'm looking in the wrong places.

There are plenty of scripts out there that will create a youtube clone for example; and what I need will be similar to this but it will not be video site. My app will be geared up more towards managing and creating lists, information, tags, files ( like .doc .txt etc maybe ). I haven't actually gotten the content part worked out fully yet and I don't expect the base system to be able to handle that part necessarily but what I would like for now is if I could find some library/framework that would allow me to experiment with different content configurations.

What I need from this framework specifically is some kind of system whereby people could register and thus have a login, profile page and have variuous (private) things associated with their account ... ( again I'm not sure what 'things' yet but probably lists and possibly files of some kind). I will eventually probably need some kind of capacity to share things between members. There seems to be a library/script for everything else out there so I thought there might be something for the basis of a membership system.


a) can someone suggest the correct terminology I would search google for this - I was trying "portal" script and membership site but I got nowhere

b) does such a thing exist and can anyone suggest anything in particular.

One more important thing. The project is in the very early stages and has no budget so I am pretty much limited to Open Source Freeware, though I welcome any paid for solutions regardless

PS I have developed with WordPress for years now and I know I could probably squeeze this out of WordPress with a few plugins and CPT work but I really feel it might be asking too much and I'll get scaling issues earlier than I need to.


1 回答 1


您需要确定将使用哪种语言构建系统。PHP/MySQL 框架包括 Yii、Symphony、Zend 等。谷歌 PHP 框架。

如果您想使用带有 Rails 框架的 Ruby,那么您可以研究一下。Rails for Zombies 是开始学习 Ruby On Rails 的好地方。

您将其称为“门户”,但我不会搜索它。我会看网络应用程序。我用 PHP 在 Yii 框架中构建了很多此类应用程序。如果您熟悉 wordpress,那么 PHP 可能是一个更好的选择。如果你确实在 Yii 框架上使用 PHP,那么考虑学习如何使用 Gii 代码生成器。这将帮助您制作表格和列表以及管理记录。我从这本书开始:http ://www.amazon.com/dp/1847199585?tag=gii20f-20&camp=0&creative=0&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=1847199585&adid=0BHF2HS6FNS82M85KJQT它向我展示了我需要了解的有关框架的所有信息。如果您对 PHP 和面向对象编程还很陌生,这也很好。

于 2013-10-14T19:34:25.500 回答