如何从使用 C#的Apple iPhone拍摄的图像中读取 EXIF 数据?
我需要 GPS 相关数据。
PS:除了用Apple iPhone拍摄的图像外,我知道如何读取 EXIF
我建议您查看 Google Code 上的exiflibrary项目及其相关的ExifLibrary for .NET文章 Code Project。
它支持超过 150 个已知的 EXIF 标签,包括 32 个与 GPS 相关的标签。获取纬度和经度很简单:
var exif = ExifFile.Read(fileName);
MetadataExtractor库自 2002 年起可用于 Java,现在完全支持 .NET 。它支持来自 JPEG 文件的 Exif GPS 数据,以及大量其他元数据类型和文件类型。
以下是iPhone 4、iPhone 5和iPhone 6的输出示例。
它可以通过 NuGet 获得:
PM> Install-Package MetadataExtractor
然后,要访问 GPS 位置,请使用以下代码:
var directories = ImageMetadataReader.ReadMetadata(jpegFilePath);
var gps = directories.OfType<GpsDirectory>().FirstOrDefault();
var location = gps?.GetGeoLocation();
if (location != null)
Console.WriteLine("Lat {0} Lng {1}", location.Latitude, location.Longitude);
var lines = from directory in directories
from tag in directory.Tags
select $"{directory.Name}: {tag.TagName} = {tag.Description}";
foreach (var line in lines)
If you load an image using:
Image image = Image.FromFile(imageName);
The EXIF values are read into the PropertyItems
array on the image.
I found some code for interpreting these tags as EXIF data. I can't remember where I got it from now but I've found a copy here. I don't think that the code as it stands reads the geolocation codes, but this page claims to have a list of all EXIF tags, so you could extend this code.
Tag id 0x8825
is the GPSInfo. The GPS tags are enumerated on this page