from collections import namedtuple
import sys
# Python 2/3 compatibility shim
if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
inp, rng = raw_input, xrange # Python 2.x
inp, rng = input, range # Python 3.x
def type_getter(type):
Build a function to prompt for input of required type
def fn(prompt):
while True:
return type(inp(prompt))
except ValueError:
pass # couldn't parse as the desired type - try again
fn.__doc__ = "\n Prompt for input and return as {}.\n".format(type.__name__)
return fn
get_int = type_getter(int)
get_float = type_getter(float)
# Student record datatype
Student = namedtuple('Student', ['name', 'mark'])
def get_students():
Prompt for student names and marks;
return as list of Student
students = []
while True:
name = inp("Enter name (or nothing to quit): ").strip()
if name:
mark = get_float("Enter {}'s mark: ".format(name))
students.append(Student(name, mark))
return students
def main():
cases = get_int("How many cases are there? ")
for case in rng(1, cases+1):
print("\nCase {}:".format(case))
# get student data
students = get_students()
# perform calculations
avg = sum((student.mark for student in students), 0.) / len(students)
best_student = max(students, key=lambda x: x.mark)
# report the results
"\nCase {} average was {:0.1f}%"
"\nBest student was {} with {:0.1f}%"
.format(case, avg, best_student.name, best_student.mark)
if __name__=="__main__":
How many cases are there? 1
Case 1:
Enter name (or nothing to quit): A
Enter A's mark: 10.
Enter name (or nothing to quit): B
Enter B's mark: 20.
Enter name (or nothing to quit):
Case 1 average was 15.0%
Best student was B with 20.0%