注意:文件存储在 NAS (Synology DS1813+) 上。
$ ls
IMG_8809.JPG IMG_8813.JPG IMG_8817.JPG IMG_8821.JPG IMG_8825.JPG IMG_8829.JPG IMG_8833.JPG IMG_8837.JPG IMG_8841.JPG IMG_8845.JPG IMG_8849.JPG Thumbs.db
IMG_8810.JPG IMG_8814.JPG IMG_8818.JPG IMG_8822.JPG IMG_8826.JPG IMG_8830.JPG IMG_8834.JPG IMG_8838.JPG IMG_8842.JPG IMG_8846.JPG IMG_8850.JPG
IMG_8811.JPG IMG_8815.JPG IMG_8819.JPG IMG_8823.JPG IMG_8827.JPG IMG_8831.JPG IMG_8835.JPG IMG_8839.JPG IMG_8843.JPG IMG_8847.JPG IMG_8851.JPG
IMG_8812.JPG IMG_8816.JPG IMG_8820.JPG IMG_8824.JPG IMG_8828.JPG IMG_8832.JPG IMG_8836.JPG IMG_8840.JPG IMG_8844.JPG IMG_8848.JPG IMG_8852.JPG
$ find . -name '*.*' -exec sh -c 'a=$(echo {} | sed -r "s/([^.]*)\$/\L\1/"); [ "$a" != "{}" ] && mv "{}" "$a" ' \;
mv: ‘./IMG_8835.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8835.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8822.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8822.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8830.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8830.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8850.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8850.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8820.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8820.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8826.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8826.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8847.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8847.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8816.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8816.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8819.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8819.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8814.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8814.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8810.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8810.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8817.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8817.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8809.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8809.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8851.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8851.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8844.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8844.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8818.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8818.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8823.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8823.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8848.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8848.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8842.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8842.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8815.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8815.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8837.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8837.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8827.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8827.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8825.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8825.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8840.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8840.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8812.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8812.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8811.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8811.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8836.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8836.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8828.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8828.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8832.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8832.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8839.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8839.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8831.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8831.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8824.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8824.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8813.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8813.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8843.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8843.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8846.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8846.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8829.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8829.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8821.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8821.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8838.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8838.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8833.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8833.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8834.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8834.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8845.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8845.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8841.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8841.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8852.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8852.jpg’ are the same file
mv: ‘./IMG_8849.JPG’ and ‘./IMG_8849.jpg’ are the same file
$ ls
IMG_8809.JPG IMG_8813.JPG IMG_8817.JPG IMG_8821.JPG IMG_8825.JPG IMG_8829.JPG IMG_8833.JPG IMG_8837.JPG IMG_8841.JPG IMG_8845.JPG IMG_8849.JPG Thumbs.db
IMG_8810.JPG IMG_8814.JPG IMG_8818.JPG IMG_8822.JPG IMG_8826.JPG IMG_8830.JPG IMG_8834.JPG IMG_8838.JPG IMG_8842.JPG IMG_8846.JPG IMG_8850.JPG
IMG_8811.JPG IMG_8815.JPG IMG_8819.JPG IMG_8823.JPG IMG_8827.JPG IMG_8831.JPG IMG_8835.JPG IMG_8839.JPG IMG_8843.JPG IMG_8847.JPG IMG_8851.JPG
IMG_8812.JPG IMG_8816.JPG IMG_8820.JPG IMG_8824.JPG IMG_8828.JPG IMG_8832.JPG IMG_8836.JPG IMG_8840.JPG IMG_8844.JPG IMG_8848.JPG IMG_8852.JPG
$ rename s/.JPG/.jpg/ *.JPG
IMG_8809.JPG not renamed: IMG_8809.jpg already exists
IMG_8810.JPG not renamed: IMG_8810.jpg already exists
IMG_8811.JPG not renamed: IMG_8811.jpg already exists
IMG_8812.JPG not renamed: IMG_8812.jpg already exists
IMG_8813.JPG not renamed: IMG_8813.jpg already exists
IMG_8814.JPG not renamed: IMG_8814.jpg already exists
IMG_8815.JPG not renamed: IMG_8815.jpg already exists
IMG_8816.JPG not renamed: IMG_8816.jpg already exists
IMG_8817.JPG not renamed: IMG_8817.jpg already exists
IMG_8818.JPG not renamed: IMG_8818.jpg already exists
IMG_8819.JPG not renamed: IMG_8819.jpg already exists
IMG_8820.JPG not renamed: IMG_8820.jpg already exists
IMG_8821.JPG not renamed: IMG_8821.jpg already exists
IMG_8822.JPG not renamed: IMG_8822.jpg already exists
IMG_8823.JPG not renamed: IMG_8823.jpg already exists
IMG_8824.JPG not renamed: IMG_8824.jpg already exists
IMG_8825.JPG not renamed: IMG_8825.jpg already exists
IMG_8826.JPG not renamed: IMG_8826.jpg already exists
IMG_8827.JPG not renamed: IMG_8827.jpg already exists
IMG_8828.JPG not renamed: IMG_8828.jpg already exists
IMG_8829.JPG not renamed: IMG_8829.jpg already exists
IMG_8830.JPG not renamed: IMG_8830.jpg already exists
IMG_8831.JPG not renamed: IMG_8831.jpg already exists
IMG_8832.JPG not renamed: IMG_8832.jpg already exists
IMG_8833.JPG not renamed: IMG_8833.jpg already exists
IMG_8834.JPG not renamed: IMG_8834.jpg already exists
IMG_8835.JPG not renamed: IMG_8835.jpg already exists
IMG_8836.JPG not renamed: IMG_8836.jpg already exists
IMG_8837.JPG not renamed: IMG_8837.jpg already exists
IMG_8838.JPG not renamed: IMG_8838.jpg already exists
IMG_8839.JPG not renamed: IMG_8839.jpg already exists
IMG_8840.JPG not renamed: IMG_8840.jpg already exists
IMG_8841.JPG not renamed: IMG_8841.jpg already exists
IMG_8842.JPG not renamed: IMG_8842.jpg already exists
IMG_8843.JPG not renamed: IMG_8843.jpg already exists
IMG_8844.JPG not renamed: IMG_8844.jpg already exists
IMG_8845.JPG not renamed: IMG_8845.jpg already exists
IMG_8846.JPG not renamed: IMG_8846.jpg already exists
IMG_8847.JPG not renamed: IMG_8847.jpg already exists
IMG_8848.JPG not renamed: IMG_8848.jpg already exists
IMG_8849.JPG not renamed: IMG_8849.jpg already exists
IMG_8850.JPG not renamed: IMG_8850.jpg already exists
IMG_8851.JPG not renamed: IMG_8851.jpg already exists
IMG_8852.JPG not renamed: IMG_8852.jpg already exists