我在 joomla 上有网站。我有页面联系人(html 文本和图片)。

在这个页面的最后,如何添加标准的 joomla 联系表?


2 回答 2


In the components menu in the admin go to contacts. Create a new contact and fill in the information. You can use street address for text if you want, that is at the top or you can use miscellaneous information. Make sure to include an email address or a link to a user so that the user's email is used.

Then make a single contact menu link to that contact from whatever menu you want it shown on.

于 2013-05-19T16:52:04.663 回答

您可以使用Joomla 中的组件!扩展目录。否则,您可以使用基本的 html 标记自己构建一个。

于 2013-05-19T15:48:27.573 回答