我正在尝试使用便携式安装程序https://install.openshift.com/portable/oo-install-origin.zip在 CentOS 6.2 上安装 Openshift Origin ,所有服务都安装在一台主机上(即代理、应用程序节点、MongoDB、ActiveMQ)。该oo-install-origin
实用程序似乎有效(详情如下) - 它没有抱怨任何错误。完成后我重新启动了我的服务器。
- 安装日志文件在哪里?
- 如何判断安装是否成功?
- 我应该看到哪些进程正在运行?
正在运行,但我没有看到任何 MongoDB 进程。我确实oo-mongo-setup
. 我应该运行它,还是应该安装脚本运行它?
整个安装过程可能需要 10 到 45 分钟。在此过程中,您将在命令终端中看到相当稳定的信息流。
# ./oo-install-origin
Checking for necessary tools...
...looks good.
Using bundled assets.
Extracting oo-install to temporary directory...
Starting oo-install...
OpenShift Installer (Build 20140131-2031)
Welcome to OpenShift.
This installer will guide you through a basic system deployment, based
on one of the scenarios below.
Select from the following installation scenarios.
You can also type '?' for Help or 'q' to Quit:
1. Install OpenShift Origin
2. Add a Node to an OpenShift Origin deployment
3. Generate a Puppet Configuration File
Type a selection and press <return>: 1
Here are the details of your current deployment.
Note: ActiveMQ, MongoDB and named will all be installed on the Broker.
For more flexibility, rerun the installer in advanced mode (-a).
DNS Settings
* App Domain: xxx.yyy.net
* Register OpenShift components with OpenShift DNS? No
Role Assignments
| Broker | dell710appeng |
| Node | dell710appeng |
Host Information
| Host | dell710appeng |
| Roles | Broker, Node |
| SSH Host | localhost |
| User | root |
| IP Addr | 10.xx.xx.xx |
| BIND DNS Addr | 10.xx.xx.xx |
| IP Interface | em1 |
| Install Status | new |
Do you want to change the deployment info? (y/n/q/?) n
Here is the subscription configuration that the installer will use for
this deployment.
| Setting | Value |
| type | yum |
| repos_base | https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/origin-server/release/3/fedora-19 |
| jboss_repo_base | - |
| jenkins_repo_base | http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat |
| os_repo | - |
| os_optional_repo | - |
Do you want to make any changes to the subscription info in the
configuration file? (y/n/q/?) n
Do you want to set any temporary subscription settings for this
installation only? (y/n/q/?) n
Preflight check: verifying system and resource availability.
Checking dell710appeng:
* Target host is running non-Fedora, non-RHEL
* Located getenforce
* SELinux is running in enforcing mode
* Located yum
* Located puppet
* Located augtool
* Located dnssec-keygen
* Located htpasswd
* Located scl
* The ruby193 software collection is installed.
* epel repository is present and enabled
Deploying workflow 'origin_deploy'.
Setting up htpasswd for default user account.
Preparing to install OpenShift Origin on the following hosts:
* localhost: msgserver, dbserver, broker, node
Deploying host 'dell710appeng'
Checking for xxx.yyy.net DNS key(s) on localhost...
...found at /var/named/Kxxx.yyy.net*.key
Command 'systemctl' didn't work; trying older style...
Older style system command succeeded.
Running Puppet deployment
Running: bash -l -c 'scl enable ruby193 "puppet module uninstall -f openshift/openshift_origin"'
Uninstall command failed; this is expected if the puppet module wasn't previously installed.
Running: bash -l -c 'scl enable ruby193 "puppet module install -v 3.0.1 openshift/openshift_origin"'
Command completed.
Running: bash -l -c 'yum clean all'
Command completed.
Running: bash -l -c 'scl enable ruby193 "puppet apply --verbose /tmp/oo_install_configure_dell710appeng.pp"'
#### The script stopped here for about 20 minutes -- top showed lots of yum activity
Command completed.
Running: bash -l -c 'rm /tmp/oo_install_configure_dell710appeng.pp'
Command completed.
OpenShift Origin deployment completed.
You should manually reboot dell710appeng to complete the process.
All tasks completed.
oo-install exited; removing temporary assets.