
"--PHP-alt-9ce0b24f8d52c4d37de61cb315107795d140f8b7 Content-Type: text/plain --PHP-alt-9ce0b24f8d52c4d37de61cb315107795d140f8b7 "



--PHP-alt-9ce0b24f8d52c4d37de61cb315107795d140f8b7 Content-Type: text/plain --PHP-alt-9ce0b24f8d52c4d37de61cb315107795d140f8b7 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="PHP-related-9ce0b24f8d52c4d37de61cb315107795d140f8b7" --PHP-related-9ce0b24f8d52c4d37de61cb315107795d140f8b7 Content-Type: text/html Dear Milind

Thank you for choosing XXXXX for your limo hire.

Please accept this e-mail as confirmation the following booking has been
confirmed and requires you to print, sign and return the attached
contract with us, either by e-mail, fax or post, within 3 days.
To view contract for booking please click here
We would like to draw your attention to our agreed Terms and
Conditions concerning the booking and ask that you ensure you comply,
which can be found on our website www.xxxxx.co.uk

If this has been received in error, please contact our Office
immediately on XXXXXXX or XXXXXX.

Company name


Dear Milind

    Thank you for choosing XXXXX for your limo hire.

    Please accept this e-mail as confirmation the following booking has been
    confirmed and requires you to print, sign and return the attached
    contract with us, either by e-mail, fax or post, within 3 days.
    To view contract for booking please click here
    We would like to draw your attention to our agreed Terms and
    Conditions concerning the booking and ask that you ensure you comply,
    which can be found on our website www.xxxxx.co.uk

    If this has been received in error, please contact our Office
    immediately on XXXXXXX or XXXXXX.

    Company name

我已经尝试过substr(),但它对任何正则表达式都没有帮助吗?这是电子邮件发送的代码让我们假设正文字符串=$email_message所有电子邮件格式都用“字符串”编写 PS:请注意,某些电子邮件包含附件

$subject = 'A sample email - Dual Format plus attachment plus inline';

// Create a boundary string.  It needs to be unique (not in the text) so ...
// We are going to use the sha1 algorithm to generate a 40 character string:
$sep = sha1(date('r', time()));

// Define the headers we want passed.
$headers = "From: StarLimosine <sender@gmail.com> \r\n X-Mailer: Custom PHP Script";
$headers.="\r\nBcc:sender@gmail.com , sender@gmail.in";
// Add in our primary content boundary, and mime type specification:
$headers .= 
    "\r\nContent-Type: text/html; boundary=\"PHP-mixed-{$sep}\"";

// Prepare our attachment file - Read it in, encode it and split it
//$attached = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents('attachment.zip')));

// Also now prepare our inline image - Also read, encode, split:
$inline = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents('images/Logo.png')));

// Now the body of the message.
$body =<<<EOBODY
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="PHP-alt-{$sep}"

Content-Type: text/plain

Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="PHP-related-{$sep}"

Content-Type: text/html

Star Limousines<br/>
TEL: 0800 9 556 556 <br/>
or 01435 813494</strong><br/>
<span style="font-size:10px">Registerd Office Pick Hill Farm, Horam East Sussex TN21 0JR</span>



2 回答 2



substr($email, strpos($email, PHP_EOL, strpos($email, PHP_EOL) + 1));
于 2012-10-10T13:54:11.677 回答

仅当您在使用 GET 时发布数据时才添加此内容,删除此内容。

$headers .= 
    "\r\nContent-Type: text/html; boundary=\"PHP-mixed-{$sep}\"";


于 2016-12-23T10:10:02.113 回答