
我的目标是在 sample_function 中分配一些值。



typedef struct
    char        *name;
    char        *class;
    char        *rollno;
} test;

test *
sample_function ()
    test *abc;
    abc = (test *)malloc(sizeof(test));

    abc->class = "MD5";
    abc->rollno = "12345";
printf("%s %s %s\n",abc->name,abc->class,abc->rollno);
return abc;


int main(){

test   *digest_abc = NULL;
   test   *abc = NULL;

abc = sample_function();

digest_abc = abc;
printf(" %s  %s  %s \n",digest_abc->name,digest_abc->class,digest_abc->rollno);

return 1;




3 回答 3

test * sample_function ()
    test *abc;


What do you think abc points to, here? The answer is, it doesn't really point to anything. You need to initialize it to something, which in this case means allocating some memory.

So, let's fix that first issue:

test * sample_function ()
    test *abc = malloc(sizeof(*abc));


Now, abc points to something, and we can store stuff in there!

But ... abc->name is a pointer too, and what do you think that points to? Again, it doesn't really point to anything, and you certainly can't assume it points somewhere you can store your string.

So, let's fix your second issue:

test * sample_function ()
    test *abc = malloc(sizeof(*abc));

    abc->name = strdup("Surya");
    /* ... the rest is ok ... */
    return abc;

Now, there's one last issue: you never release the memory you just allocated (this probably isn't an issue here, but it'd be a bug in a full-sized program).

So, at the end of main, you should have something like

    return 1;

The final issue is a design one: you have three pointers in your structure, and only convention to help you remember which is dynamically allocated (and must be freed) and which point to string literals (and must not be freed).

That's fine, so long as this convention is followed everywhere. As soon as you dynamically allocate class or rollno, you have a memory leak. As soon as you point name at a string literal, you'll have a crash and/or heap damage.

As japreiss points out in a comment, a good way to enforce your convention is to write dedicated functions, like:

void initialize_test(test *obj, const char *name, char *class, char *rollno) {
    obj->name = strdup(name);
void destroy_test(test *obj) {
test *malloc_test(const char *name, ...) {
    test *obj = malloc(sizeof(*obj));
    initialize_test(obj, name, ...);
    return test;
void free_test(test *obj) {
于 2013-06-14T15:23:10.207 回答

在您的函数sample_function中,您返回一个指向abc. 由于激活记录的组织方式,您无法在 C 中执行此操作。



// Record for some function f(a, b)
| local variable 1  | <- stack pointer  (abc in your case)
| local variable 2  |
| old stack pointer | <- base pointer
| return address    |   
| parameter 1       |
| parameter 2       |
| caller activation | 
|   record          |


// popped record
| local variable 1  | <- address of abc   #
| local variable 2  |                     #
| old stack pointer |                     # Unallocated memory, any new function
| return address    |                     # call could overwrite this
| parameter 1       |                     #
| parameter 2       |                     # 
--------------------- <- stack pointer 
| caller activation | 
|   record          |

现在您尝试使用 abc 并且您的程序正确地崩溃了,因为它看到您正在访问一个未分配的内存区域。


于 2013-06-14T15:38:39.847 回答

In sample_function you declare abc as a pointer to a test structure, but you never initialize it. It's just pointing off into the weeds somewhere. Then you try to dereference it to store values - BOOM.

Your program doesn't need any pointers at all; structures can be passed by value in C.

If you do want to keep similar interfaces to what you have now, you're going to have to add some dynamic allocations (malloc/free calls) to make sure your structures are actually allocated and that your pointers actually point to them.

于 2013-06-14T15:22:40.520 回答