我正在尝试使用 gensim 主题模型回收 scikit-learn 矢量化器对象。原因很简单:首先,我已经有大量的矢量化数据;其次,我更喜欢 scikit-learn 矢量化器的界面和灵活性;第三,尽管使用 gensim 进行主题建模非常快,但Dictionary()根据我的经验,计算它的字典 ( ) 相对较慢。

之前已经提出过类似的问题,尤其是这里这里,桥接解决方案是 gensim 的Sparse2Corpus()函数,它将 Scipy 稀疏矩阵转换为 gensim 语料库对象。

但是,这种转换没有利用vocabulary_sklearn 向量化器的属性,它保存了单词和特征 id 之间的映射。这种映射对于打印每个主题的判别词是必要的(id2word在 gensim 主题模型中,描述为“从词 id(整数)到词(字符串)的映射”)。

我知道 gensim 的Dictionary对象比 scikit 的vect.vocabulary_(一个简单的 Python )更复杂(计算速度也更慢dict)......

在 gensim 模型中使用vect.vocabulary_的任何想法?id2word


# our data
documents = [u'Human machine interface for lab abc computer applications',
        u'A survey of user opinion of computer system response time',
        u'The EPS user interface management system',
        u'System and human system engineering testing of EPS',
        u'Relation of user perceived response time to error measurement',
        u'The generation of random binary unordered trees',
        u'The intersection graph of paths in trees',
        u'Graph minors IV Widths of trees and well quasi ordering',
        u'Graph minors A survey']

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
# compute vector space with sklearn
vect = CountVectorizer(min_df=1, ngram_range=(1, 1), max_features=25000)
corpus_vect = vect.fit_transform(documents)
# each doc is a scipy sparse matrix
print vect.vocabulary_
#{u'and': 1, u'minors': 20, u'generation': 9, u'testing': 32, u'iv': 15, u'engineering': 5, u'computer': 4, u'relation': 28, u'human': 11, u'measurement': 19, u'unordered': 37, u'binary': 3, u'abc': 0, u'for': 8, u'ordering': 23, u'graph': 10, u'system': 31, u'machine': 17, u'to': 35, u'quasi': 26, u'time': 34, u'random': 27, u'paths': 24, u'of': 21, u'trees': 36, u'applications': 2, u'management': 18, u'lab': 16, u'interface': 13, u'intersection': 14, u'response': 29, u'perceived': 25, u'in': 12, u'widths': 40, u'well': 39, u'eps': 6, u'survey': 30, u'error': 7, u'opinion': 22, u'the': 33, u'user': 38}

import gensim
# transform sparse matrix into gensim corpus
corpus_vect_gensim = gensim.matutils.Sparse2Corpus(corpus_vect, documents_columns=False)
lsi = gensim.models.LsiModel(corpus_vect_gensim, num_topics=4)
# I instead would like something like this line below
# lsi = gensim.models.LsiModel(corpus_vect_gensim, id2word=vect.vocabulary_, num_topics=2)
print lsi.print_topics(2)
#['0.622*"21" + 0.359*"31" + 0.256*"38" + 0.206*"29" + 0.206*"34" + 0.197*"36" + 0.170*"33" + 0.168*"1" + 0.158*"10" + 0.147*"4"', '0.399*"36" + 0.364*"10" + -0.295*"31" + 0.245*"20" + -0.226*"38" + 0.194*"26" + 0.194*"15" + 0.194*"39" + 0.194*"23" + 0.194*"40"']

5 回答 5


Gensim 不需要Dictionary对象。只要将 ids(整数)映射到单词(字符串),您就可以直接使用纯文本dict作为输入。id2word

事实上,任何类似 dict 的东西都会做(包括dict, Dictionary, SqliteDict...)。

(顺便说一句,gensimDictionary是一个简单的 Python dict。不确定您对Dictionary性能的评论来自哪里,您无法比 Python 中的普通方法更快地获得映射dict。也许您将它与文本预处理(不是 gensim 的一部分)混淆了,这确实可能很慢。)

于 2014-02-04T12:55:30.960 回答

举一个最后的例子,scikit-learn 的向量化器对象可以转换成 gensim 的语料库格式,Sparse2Corpus而词汇表dict可以通过简单地交换键和值来回收:

# transform sparse matrix into gensim corpus
corpus_vect_gensim = gensim.matutils.Sparse2Corpus(corpus_vect, documents_columns=False)

# transform scikit vocabulary into gensim dictionary
vocabulary_gensim = {}
for key, val in vect.vocabulary_.items():
    vocabulary_gensim[val] = key
于 2014-02-04T13:36:27.327 回答


from gensim.corpora.dictionary import Dictionary
dictionary = Dictionary.from_corpus(corpus_vect_gensim,
                                    id2word=dict((id, word) for word, id in vect.vocabulary_.items()))

然后,您可以将此字典用于 tfidf、LSI 或 LDA 模型。

于 2015-12-22T02:21:43.407 回答

工作 python 3 代码的解决方案。

import gensim
from gensim.corpora.dictionary import Dictionary
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

def vect2gensim(vectorizer, dtmatrix):
     # transform sparse matrix into gensim corpus and dictionary
    corpus_vect_gensim = gensim.matutils.Sparse2Corpus(dtmatrix, documents_columns=False)
    dictionary = Dictionary.from_corpus(corpus_vect_gensim,
        id2word=dict((id, word) for word, id in vectorizer.vocabulary_.items()))

    return (corpus_vect_gensim, dictionary)

documents = [u'Human machine interface for lab abc computer applications',
        u'A survey of user opinion of computer system response time',
        u'The EPS user interface management system',
        u'System and human system engineering testing of EPS',
        u'Relation of user perceived response time to error measurement',
        u'The generation of random binary unordered trees',
        u'The intersection graph of paths in trees',
        u'Graph minors IV Widths of trees and well quasi ordering',
        u'Graph minors A survey']

# compute vector space with sklearn
vect = CountVectorizer(min_df=1, ngram_range=(1, 1), max_features=25000)
corpus_vect = vect.fit_transform(documents)

# transport to gensim
(gensim_corpus, gensim_dict) = vect2gensim(vect, corpus_vect)
于 2019-07-31T18:31:07.903 回答

提出一个答案,因为我还没有 50 的声誉。

直接使用 vect.vocabulary_(键和值互换)在 Python 3 上不起作用,因为 dict.keys() 现在返回可迭代视图而不是列表。相关的错误是:

TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "dict_keys") to list

要使这项工作在 Python 3 上运行,请将 lsimodel.py 中的第 301 行更改为

self.num_terms = 1 + max([-1] + list(self.id2word.keys()))


于 2015-09-15T10:38:32.463 回答