I have a properly working pagedown editor in a rails 4 application, but I believe I'm missing something simple to render the pagedown data at a later point in my application.
Here's the gem (and initialization) I'm using: https://github.com/hughevans/pagedown-bootstrap-rails
Any ideas on how to render that data with the already-used gems?
EDIT: I think the root of my problem is it's not storing the data as the HTML version, so it doesn't render it when I display the data again. It's missing the converter step when the form gets saved, but I don't see any specific instruction on how to do that, so I assumed it was default part of these gems.
EDIT2: I've since taken the approach to convert the Markdown on each page load, with the following code:
Unfortunately, it doesn't use all the Pagedown Markdown, but it's at least handling new lines properly:
Any ideas?