I have a C# application that has multiple forms. On every form I have Cancel button and the top right (x) button. For every form, I have created a cancelButton_Click() which goes like this:
private void cancelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
This one calls the formClosing function which goes like this:
private void FormLoginPage_Closing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
string exitMessageText = "Are you sure you want to exit the application?";
string exitCaption = "Cancel";
MessageBoxButtons button = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;
DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show(exitMessageText, exitCaption, button, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
if (res == DialogResult.Yes)
e.Cancel = false;
else if (res == DialogResult.No)
e.Cancel = true;
Similarly I have created customized formClosing functions for all forms, since I want to handle Closing events differently for all forms.
However, when I click on Cancel button for say Form2, the control goes to Form1 Closing event function. Is there a better way to implement this? Please suggest.