Editing the original question to provide all the details.
Added following in web.xml:
Created two new files wro.xml and wro.properties inside WEB-INF folder:
<groups xmlns="http://www.isdc.ro/wro">
<group name="base">
Here 'resources' is a folder inside: src/main/webapp.
A file testing.less is added inside /resources/skins/abc/ folder:
.btn-expand (@height: 30px) {
box-sizing: border-box;
height: @height;
display: inline-block;
color: #fff;
font-size: 12px;
text-decoration: none;
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 1px;
margin-right: 20px;
background: transparent url('images/sprites.png') no-repeat -5px -164px;
border: 0;
position: relative;
outline: none;
overflow: visible;
The pom.xml file contains the following entries:
</repository> (Inside <repositories> tag)
</dependency> (Inside <dependencies> tag)
</plugin> [Inside <build> <plugins> tag.]
I have not installed the m2e-wro4j plugin in my eclipse IDE.
Based on the above, I assume that when i do a maven build from command prompt [mvn clean install], a css file named base.css should be created inside /resources/css/test/ folder. I can see the new folder 'test' in the exploded project WAR file but it does not contain the base.css file. The console output looks something like this:
[INFO] Wro4j Model path: C:\workspace\{projectname}\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\wro.xml
[INFO] targetGroups: base
[INFO] minimize: true
[INFO] ignoreMissingResources: false
[INFO] parallelProcessing: false
[INFO] destinationFolder: C:\workspace\{projectname}\target
[INFO] jsDestinationFolder: null
[INFO] cssDestinationFolder: C:\workspace\{projectname}\target\{WAR file name}\resources\css\test
[INFO] groupNameMappingFile: null
[INFO] wroManagerFactory class: ro.isdc.wro.maven.plugin.manager.factory.ConfigurableWroManagerFactory
[INFO] The following groups will be processed: [base]
[INFO] folder: C:\workspace\{projectname}\target\{WAR file name}\resources\css\test
[INFO] processing group: base.css
[INFO] folder: C:\workspace\{projectname}\target
[INFO] processing group: base.js
One more observation. To make sure that that wro.properties file is correctly placed and is picked up by the plugin, I tried some wrong values in this file [postProcessors=less4jtttt]
and could see an exception while doing the build. However, an invalid file path in wro.xml file did not throw any exception.