使用此命令启动 circus 时,我遇到了类似的问题:
bin/circusd --daemon
Cirsusd 没有开始( ps ax | grep circus )什么也没做。但是没有出现错误。和
bin/circusctl status
Timed out.
A time out usually happens in one of those cases:
#1 The Circus daemon could not be reached.
#2 The Circus daemon took too long to perform the operation
For #1, make sure you are hitting the right place
by checking your --endpoint option.
For #2, if you are not expecting a result to
come back, increase your timeout option value
(particularly with waiting switches)
这意味着 circusctl 无法与 circus 通信。我已经很头疼了,但随后只是在没有 --daemon 参数的情况下启动了 circusd,如下所示:
backports.configparser.InterpolationSyntaxError: '%' must be followed by '%' or '(', found: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
在构建配置文件中,这个错误很快被 double % 修复。
所以真正的问题是 circusd 在使用 --daemon 参数启动时没有给出任何错误。