第二张图像作为基础图像,第一张图像被配准。我使用 SURF 算法进行图像配准。使用内置 MATLAB delaunay 函数在这些点上构建 Delaunay 三角剖分。HR 网格的大小是为预先指定的分辨率增强因子 R 构建的。接下来总结用于在 HR 网格上插值像素值的 HR 算法。
HR 算法步骤: 1. 在由 LR 帧形成的不规则采样栅格中的分散顶点集上构建 Delaunay 三角剖分。
Estimate the gradient vector at each vertex of the triangulation by calculating the unit normal vector of neighbouring vector using cross product method.Sum of the unit normal vector of each triangle multiplied by its area is divided by summation of area of all neighbouring triangles to get the vertex normal.
Approximate each triangle patch in the triangulation by a continuous and, possibly, a continuously differentiable surface, subject to some smoothness constraint. Bivariate polynomials or splines could be the approximants as explained below.
Set the resolution enhancement factor along the horizontal and vertical directions and then calculate the pixel value at each regularly spaced HR grid point to construct the initial HR image