I have some code that is pulling a Release model back and displaying in a grid, this is working fine, but I cannot work out how to inspect what is in the returned model.
What I would like is to get the contents of the model in some kind of object that I can reorganise or drill into as I see fit (in this case the release model).
If I add a component and just dump the model into the html it is not returning the contents as I would expect.
type: 'Release',
success: function(model) {
xtype: 'component',
html: model
this.grid = this.add({
xtype: 'rallygrid',
model: model,
columnCfgs: [
'RevisionHistory' ],
storeConfig: {
filters: queryFilters
scope: this
If I dig into the ExtJS docs it seems I should be able to do something like getData() on the model to return the contents but this is not working.
Inspection in the debugger tells me I have a "Rally.domain.v2.0.project.10098485624.Release" object but I can't see how to simply access the list of items in the object. Obviously there is a way because passing this model to a grid component will display it quite happily. The debugger for this object shows me a number of further functions to call but I have no idea which one or how to use it
getArtifactMappings: function () {
getCollectionFields: function () {
getCustomFields: function () {
getField: function (fieldName) {
getFields: function () {
getFieldsByName: function (fieldNames) {
getName: function () {
getNonCollectionFields: function () {
getPermissionLevels: function (permission) {
getProxy: function () {
The Rally docs indicate I should be able to call getData() on a model https://help.rallydev.com/apps/2.0rc2/doc/#!/api/Rally.data.Model but it looks like the ModelFactory.getModel() is not returning a type that has a getData() method