I have a Cucumber-JVM, JUnit, Selenium setup. I initiate the run by running RunSmokeTests.java
using JUnit within Eclipse. I have also set up a maven profile to run the tests from command line, and possibly Jenkins in the future.
When the tests are run then some of them may fail sometimes, mainly due to the application taking longer than expected. I would then have to re-run these scenarios. At the moment I run them by manually attaching @rerun
tag to the ones that failed and then running RunReruns.java
, which is similar to RunSmokeTest.java
but with @rerun
With the increasing number of automated tests it is time consuming to tag the tests and start the run and clear the tags. Is there a automated way with Cucumber-JVM to re-run failed tests?
package testGlueClasses;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
@Cucumber.Options(features = "src/test/java", strict = true, format = {
"html:target/CucumberReport", "json:target/JSON/Cucumber.json",
"FrameworkCore.CustomTestReporter" }, tags = { "@SmokeTest" }, glue = {
"FrameworkCore", "MyApp.Utils", "MyApp.StepDefinitions" })
public class RunSmokeTests {
Maven snippet: